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Migration to V2

Florian Fülling edited this page Jul 12, 2020 · 6 revisions

When migration to V2 you should keep some things in mind.

V2 is a nearly complete rewrite.
While your config file will be migrated to the new door types automaticaly we set some default values which you might want to change. Note: DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN THE CONFIG BY YOURSELF.

You can now force timed doors to always keep their state. This is false per default. This should keep the current behaviour you already have, but maybe you want to consider to change this.

With the new version evaluators were introduced. These are used to evaluate the state of your door by checking the condition with a AND or OR operator between the booleans. Per default this will be an or. So if you have two conditions on a door like permission and timed the door will open when a player has this permission or the time signals a open state.

In v2 a lot of new messages were added and some already added messages were changed.
I highly recommend to delete your message files and let the plugin create new ones.

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