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WP Utilitatem

Utilitatem is a latin word meaning "utility". This project (WpUtm) is a set of utilities to setup the foundation of a WordPress project, be it plugin or theme.


You need to provide implementations of interfaces IDynamicJs and IDynamicCss, which are classes that will inject dynamic JS and CSS code into the page.

$wputm = new \WpUtm\Main(
		'definitions' => array(
			\WpUtm\Interfaces\IDynamicCss::class => \DI\autowire(\YourPlugin\DynamicCss::class),
			\WpUtm\Interfaces\IDynamicJs::class => \DI\autowire(\YourPlugin\DynamicJs::class),
			'main_file' => YOUR_PLUGIN_FILE,
			'type' => 'plugin', // set theme or plugin here
			'prefix' => 'your_plugin_prefix'

$wputm->get( \YourPlugin\Main::class )->init();

Registering assets.

WpUtm assumes that your JavaScript files will be in build/js, and css files in build/css.

It is recommended that you create your own Assets.php and inject \WpUtm\AssetsRegistration into it. Then simply call the AssetsRegistration->register_scripts() method.

Adding footer scripts

By default, scripts are enqueued in the header. If you want a script to be enqueued in the footer, add its webpack entry point name within definitions footer_scripts array:

'footer_scripts' => array( 'my-script-1', 'my-script-2' )

Extracted styles

It is assumed that you will be using @wordpress/scripts as a base webpack configuration. Extracted css files from JS will be registered as {$prefix}-extracted-css-{$webpack_entry_point}.