Prototyping classes for SuperCollider. sclang class library needs to be recompiled every time a class is changed, which makes it hard to interactively develop classes, especially because recompiling causes a loss of all the current interpreter state. The common work-around is to write pseudo-classes using Environment or its subclasses (e.g. Event). This allows to define an object that contains methods and properties: methods are just Function type properties, that can be called thanks to an hi-jacking of the DoesNotUnderstand error.
ProtoDef helps organizing this workflow, featuring:
- A global register of ProtoDef definitions
- Initialization functions
- Inheritance
- Import facilities
- Server hooks, class- or instance- wise
See the HelpFiles for examples and instructions
// define a pseudo-class
ProtoDef(\timer) {
// ~init is called automatically when an instance is created
~init = { |self, tag|
self.startTime = Date.localtime.rawSeconds;
self.tag = self.tag ? "timer";
// return elapsed seconds since self.startTime
~elapsedTime = { |self|
Date.localtime.rawSeconds - self.startTime
// return elapsed seconds and reset startTime to now
~partial = { |self, tag|
var partialDur = self.elapsedTime;
self.tag = tag ? self.tag;
self.startTime = Date.localtime.rawSeconds;
"[timer] %: %s".format(tag, partialDur).postln;
// create an instance
t = Prot(\timer) { ~tag = "init" };
// call methods defined in ProtoDef
// add a new method
ProtoDef(\timer) {
// measure exec time of a function
~timeBlock = { |self, tag, block|
var dur;
protect {
self.startTime = Date.localtime.rawSeconds;
} {
dur = self.partial(tag)
// now t can measure exec time of a function
t.timeBlock("fft") {
var size = 2**16;
var noise = Signal.fill(size){1.0.rand2};
noise.fft(Signal.newClear(size), Signal.fftCosTable(size))
// import defs from other files/folders
EXPERIMENTAL - WORK IN PROGRESS (FOR EVER?) I have been using this utility for some years now, and sometimes I still make changes to its interface. I'm trying to make it nice to use for myself (and potentially others). At the moment I feel it has everything I need and I have written some documentation too. However, I might still change a few things in the future, so be careful when updating.
There are other Quarks out there for the same functionality. In particular