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CLI Usage

Elías Grande edited this page Aug 2, 2018 · 37 revisions

Dagda has a single CLI that allows to perform several sub-commands. Each sub-command has a single target, such as perform the static analysis of known vulnerabilities, trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats in docker images/containers, perform monitoring over docker daemon and running containers for detecting anomalous activities, retrieve the analysis history of a concrete docker image/container or perform queries over the CVEs, BIDs, RHBAs, RHSAs & Exploits database which Dagda needs for working. Below, the usage message is shown:

usage: [--version] [--help] <command> [args]

Dagda Commands:
  agent                 run a remote agent for performing the analysis of known 
                        vulnerabilities, trojans, viruses, malware & other 
                        malicious threats in docker images/containers
  check                 perform the analysis of known vulnerabilities, trojans, 
                        viruses, malware & other malicious threats in docker 
  docker                list all docker images/containers and all docker daemon
  history               retrieve the analysis history for the docker images
  monitor               perform the monitoring of anomalous activities in
                        running docker containers
  start                 start the Dagda server
  vuln                  perform operations over your personal CVE, BID &
                        ExploitDB database

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show the version message and exit

First, you must start the Dagda server, and then, before the Dagda CLI usage, you must set the next environment variables as you need:

    export DAGDA_HOST=''
    export DAGDA_PORT=5000

In the next subsections, the dagda sub-commands will be described in depth.

agent sub-command

Thanks to this sub-command, Dagda can perform static analysis of known vulnerabilities, trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats in a remote way, such as the check sub-command does in local way. Below, the agent usage message is shown:

                  [-c CONTAINER_ID]

Your remote agent for analyzing docker images/containers.

Positional Arguments:
                        hostname and port where the Dagda server is listening. Only
                        "<DAGDA_HOST>:<DAGDA_PORT>" is accepted

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DOCKER_IMAGE, --docker_image DOCKER_IMAGE
                        the input docker image name
  -c CONTAINER_ID, --container_id CONTAINER_ID
                        the input docker container id

check sub-command

One of the main Dagda targets is perform the static analysis of known vulnerabilities, trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats in docker images/containers. That is way, Dagda supports both, docker images which can be in the local machine o in a remote docker registries and docker running containers. Below, the check usage message is shown:

usage: check [-h] [-i DOCKER_IMAGE] [-c CONTAINER_ID]

Your personal docker security analyzer.

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DOCKER_IMAGE, --docker_image DOCKER_IMAGE
                        the input docker image name
  -c CONTAINER_ID, --container_id CONTAINER_ID
                        the input docker container id

For example, if you want perform an static analysis over a docker image/container, you must type:

    python3 check -i jboss/wildfly

The expected output looks like as shown below:

        "id": "58667994ed253915723c50e7",
        "msg": "Accepted the analysis of <jboss/wildfly>"

The analysis can take several minutes for finishing, so be patient. If you want review the analysis report, see the history command.

docker sub-command

Dagda has a simple docker sub-command for listing all docker images/containers and getting all docker daemon events. Below, the docker usage message is shown:

usage: docker [-h] <command> [--event_action ACTION] 
                  [--event_from FROM] [--event_type TYPE] 

Your personal docker API.

Dagda Commands:
  containers            list all running docker containers
  events                list all docker daemon events
  images                list all docker images

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --event_from FROM     Filter for docker daemon events
  --event_type TYPE     Filter for docker daemon events
  --event_action ACTION 
                        Filter for docker daemon events

If you want review the expected output for each command, see the docker service REST API.

history sub-command

When you use Dagda for performing static analysis in docker images/containers in a CI environment or for monitoring running containers to detect anomalous activity, maybe you want to compare the reports performed in different times of a concrete docker image. That is way, the docker analysis history is supported by Dagda. Below, the history usage message is shown:

usage: history [-h] [IMAGE_NAME] [--fp PRODUCT_NAME[:PRODUCT_VERSION]]
                  [--is_fp PRODUCT_NAME[:PRODUCT_VERSION]] [--id REPORT_ID]

Your personal docker security analyzer history.

Positional Arguments:
  IMAGE_NAME            the full analysis history for the requested docker image name
                        will be shown ordered by descending date. If the image name is
                        not present, a full analysis history resume will be shown

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id REPORT_ID        the report with this id will be shown
                        tags the product vulnerability as false positive. Both,
                        "<PRODUCT_NAME>" and "<PRODUCT_NAME>:<PRODUCT_VERSION>" are 

                        checks if the product vulnerability is a false positive. Both,
                        "<PRODUCT_NAME>" and "<PRODUCT_NAME>:<PRODUCT_VERSION>" are 

For example, if you want review the full history of a concrete docker analysis, included all static analysis and all runtime monitoring, you must type:

    python3 history <DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME_HERE>

On the other hand, if you have the 58667994ed253915723c50e7 analysis id for the jboss/wildfly docker image name, when you type python3 history jboss/wildfly --id 58667994ed253915723c50e7, the expected output looks like as shown below.

        "id": "58667994ed253915723c50e7",
        "image_name": "jboss/wildfly",
        "status": "Completed",
        "timestamp": "2016-12-14 13:17:12.802486",
        "static_analysis": {
            "malware_binaries": [
                    "file": "/tmp/test/removal-tool.exe",
                    "malware": "Worm.Sober"
                    "file": "/tmp/test/error.hta",
                    "malware": "VBS.Inor.D"
            "os_packages": {
                "total_os_packages": 182,
                "vuln_os_packages": 41,
                "ok_os_packages": 141,
                "os_packages_details": [
                        "product": "sed",
                        "version": "4.2.2",
                        "is_vulnerable": false,
                        "is_false_positive": false,
                        "vulnerabilities": []
                        "product": "grep",
                        "version": "2.20",
                        "is_vulnerable": true,
                        "is_false_positive": false,
                        "vulnerabilities": [
                                "CVE-2015-1345": {
                                    "cveid": "CVE-2015-1345",
                                    "cvss_access_complexity": "Low",
                                    "cvss_access_vector": "Local access",
                                    "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                                    "cvss_availability_impact": "Partial",
                                    "cvss_base": 2.1,
                                    "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                                    "cvss_exploit": 3.9,
                                    "cvss_impact": 2.9,
                                    "cvss_integrity_impact": "None",
                                    "cvss_vector": [
                                    "cweid": "CWE-119",
                                    "mod_date": "23-12-2016",
                                    "pub_date": "12-02-2015",
                                    "summary": "The bmexec_trans function in kwset.c in grep 2.19 through 2.21 allows local users to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds heap read and crash) via crafted input when using the -F option."
                        "product": "lua",
                        "version": "5.1.4",
                        "is_vulnerable": true,
                        "is_false_positive": false,
                        "vulnerabilities": [
                                "CVE-2014-5461": {
                                    "cveid": "CVE-2014-5461",
                                    "cvss_access_complexity": "Low",
                                    "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                                    "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                                    "cvss_availability_impact": "Partial",
                                    "cvss_base": 5.0,
                                    "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                                    "cvss_exploit": 10.0,
                                    "cvss_impact": 2.9,
                                    "cvss_integrity_impact": "None",
                                    "cvss_vector": [
                                    "cweid": "CWE-119",
                                    "mod_date": "06-01-2017",
                                    "pub_date": "04-09-2014",
                                    "summary": "Buffer overflow in the vararg functions in ldo.c in Lua 5.1 through 5.2.x before 5.2.3 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a small number of arguments to a function with a large number of fixed arguments."
                                "BID-34237": {
                                    "bugtraq_id": 34237,
                                    "class": "Unknown",
                                    "cve": [],
                                    "local": "no",
                                    "remote": "yes",
                                    "title": "Lua Unspecified Bytecode Verifier Security Vulnerability"
                    , {
                        "product": "sqlite",
                        "version": "3.7.17",
                        "is_vulnerable": false,
                        "is_false_positive": false,
                        "vulnerabilities": []
            "prog_lang_dependencies": {
                "vuln_dependencies": 9,
                "dependencies_details": {
                    "java": [
                            "product": "xalan-java",
                            "version": "2.5.2",
                            "product_file_path": "/opt/jboss/java/xalan.2.5.2.jar",
                            "is_vulnerable": true,
                            "is_false_positive": false,
                            "vulnerabilities": [
                                    "CVE-2014-0107": {
                                        "cveid": "CVE-2014-0107",
                                        "cvss_access_complexity": "Low",
                                        "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                                        "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                                        "cvss_availability_impact": "Partial",
                                        "cvss_base": 7.5,
                                        "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "Partial",
                                        "cvss_exploit": 10.0,
                                        "cvss_impact": 6.4,
                                        "cvss_integrity_impact": "Partial",
                                        "cvss_vector": [
                                        "cweid": "CWE-264",
                                        "mod_date": "06-01-2017",
                                        "pub_date": "15-04-2014",
                                        "summary": "The TransformerFactory in Apache Xalan-Java before 2.7.2 does not properly restrict access to certain properties when FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING is enabled, which allows remote attackers to bypass expected restrictions and load arbitrary classes or access external resources via a crafted (1) xalan:content-header, (2) xalan:entities, (3) xslt:content-header, or (4) xslt:entities property, or a Java property that is bound to the XSLT 1.0 system-property function."
                                    "BID-66397": {
                                        "bugtraq_id": 66397,
                                        "class": "Input Validation Error",
                                        "cve": [
                                        "local": "no",
                                        "remote": "yes",
                                        "title": "Apache Xalan-Java Library CVE-2014-0107 Security Bypass Vulnerability"
                            "product": "jboss_wildfly_application_server",
                            "version": "-",
                            "product_file_path": "/opt/jboss/java/jboss_wildfly_application_server.jar",
                            "is_vulnerable": true,
                            "is_false_positive": false,
                            "vulnerabilities": [
                                    "CVE-2014-0018": {
                                        "cveid": "CVE-2014-0018",
                                        "cvss_access_complexity": "Medium",
                                        "cvss_access_vector": "Local access",
                                        "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                                        "cvss_availability_impact": "None",
                                        "cvss_base": 1.9,
                                        "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                                        "cvss_exploit": 3.4,
                                        "cvss_impact": 2.9,
                                        "cvss_integrity_impact": "Partial",
                                        "cvss_vector": [
                                        "cweid": "CWE-264",
                                        "mod_date": "06-01-2017",
                                        "pub_date": "14-02-2014",
                                        "summary": "Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBEAP) 6.2.0 and JBoss WildFly Application Server, when run under a security manager, do not properly restrict access to the Modular Service Container (MSC) service registry, which allows local users to modify the server via a crafted deployment."
                        , {
                            "product": "jboss_weld",
                            "version": "3.0.0",
                            "product_file_path": "/opt/jboss/java/jboss_weld.3.0.0.jar",
                            "is_vulnerable": true,
                            "is_false_positive": false,
                            "vulnerabilities": [
                                    "CVE-2014-8122": {
                                        "cveid": "CVE-2014-8122",
                                        "cvss_access_complexity": "Medium",
                                        "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                                        "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                                        "cvss_availability_impact": "None",
                                        "cvss_base": 4.3,
                                        "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "Partial",
                                        "cvss_exploit": 8.6,
                                        "cvss_impact": 2.9,
                                        "cvss_integrity_impact": "None",
                                        "cvss_vector": [
                                        "cweid": "CWE-362",
                                        "mod_date": "13-05-2015",
                                        "pub_date": "13-02-2015",
                                        "summary": "Race condition in JBoss Weld before 2.2.8 and 3.x before 3.0.0 Alpha3 allows remote attackers to obtain information from a previous conversation via vectors related to a stale thread state."
                    "js": [],
                    "nodejs": [],
                    "php": [],
                    "python": [
                            "product": "lxml",
                            "version": "1.0.1",
                            "product_file_path": "/opt/jboss/python/",
                            "is_vulnerable": true,
                            "is_false_positive": false,
                            "vulnerabilities": [
                                    "CVE-2014-3146": {
                                        "cveid": "CVE-2014-3146",
                                        "cvss_access_complexity": "Medium",
                                        "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                                        "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                                        "cvss_availability_impact": "None",
                                        "cvss_base": 4.3,
                                        "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                                        "cvss_exploit": 8.6,
                                        "cvss_impact": 2.9,
                                        "cvss_integrity_impact": "Partial",
                                        "cvss_vector": [
                                        "cweid": "CWE-0",
                                        "mod_date": "14-04-2015",
                                        "pub_date": "14-05-2014",
                                        "summary": "Incomplete blacklist vulnerability in the lxml.html.clean module in lxml before 3.3.5 allows remote attackers to conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks via control characters in the link scheme to the clean_html function."
                    "ruby": []

Finally, if you want retrieve a resume of the full history including static and runtime analysis, you must type python3 history (without any arguments). The expected output looks like as shown below:

        "anomalies": 0,
        "image_name": "jboss/wildfly",
        "libs_vulns": 9,
        "malware_bins": 2,
        "os_vulns": 42,
        "reportid": "58790707ed253944951ec5ba",
        "start_date": "2017-01-13 17:01:09.072675",
        "status": "Completed"
    }, {
        "anomalies": 0,
        "image_name": "mongo",
        "libs_vulns": 0,
        "malware_bins": 0,
        "os_vulns": 0,
        "reportid": "58790611ed25393b1b299558",
        "start_date": "2017-01-13 16:53:37.001113",
        "status": "Analyzing"
    }, {
        "anomalies": 2,
        "image_name": "jboss/wildfly",
        "libs_vulns": 0,
        "malware_bins": 0,
        "os_vulns": 0,
        "reportid": "586f7a48ed25397777c67dea",
        "start_date": "2017-01-06 11:06:48.541235",
        "status": "Monitoring"

See the History REST API documentation for knowing more funcionalities about this sub-command.

monitor sub-command

Another of the main Dagda targets is perform the monitoring of running docker containers for detecting anomalous activities. Below, the monitor usage message is shown:

usage: monitor [-h] CONTAINER_ID [--start] [--stop]

Your personal docker security monitor.

Positional Arguments:
  CONTAINER_ID          the input docker container id

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --start               start the monitoring over the container with 
                        the input id
  --stop                stop the monitoring over the container with the 
                        input id             

For example, if you want perform the monitoring over a running docker container, you must type:

    python3 monitor 69dbf26ab368 --start

The expected output looks like as shown below:

        "id": "586f7631ed25396a829baaf4",
        "image_name": "jboss/wildfly",
        "msg": "Monitoring of docker container with id <69dbf26ab368> started"

You can stop the monitoring when you want if you type:

    python3 monitor 69dbf26ab368 --stop

The expected output when you stop the monitoring over a running container looks like as shown below:

      "id": "586f7631ed25396a829baaf4",
      "image_name": "jboss/wildfly",
      "timestamp": "2017-01-06 10:49:21.212508",
      "status": "Completed",
      "runtime_analysis": {
          "container_id": "69dbf26ab368",
          "start_timestamp": "2017-01-06 10:49:21.212508",
          "stop_timestamp": "2017-01-06 10:50:16.343847",
          "anomalous_activities_detected": {
              "anomalous_counts_by_severity": {
                  "Warning": 2
              "anomalous_activities_details": [{
                  "output": "10:49:47.492517329: Warning Unexpected setuid call by non-sudo, non-root program (user=<NA> command=ping uid=<NA>) container=thirsty_spence (id=69dbf26ab368)",
                  "priority": "Warning",
                  "rule": "Non sudo setuid",
                  "time": "2017-01-06 10:49:47.492516"
              }, {
                  "output": "10:49:53.181654702: Warning Unexpected setuid call by non-sudo, non-root program (user=<NA> command=ping uid=<NA>) container=thirsty_spence (id=69dbf26ab368)",
                  "priority": "Warning",
                  "rule": "Non sudo setuid",
                  "time": "2017-01-06 10:49:53.181653"

If you want review all your reports, see the history command.

start sub-command

Dagda can run in a standalone server mode and allows its use by REST API. Below, the start usage message is shown:

usage: start [-h] [-d] [--server_host SERVER_HOST] [--server_port SERVER_PORT]
                  [--mongodb_host MONGODB_HOST] [--mongodb_port MONGODB_PORT]
                  [--mongodb_user MONGODB_USER] [--mongodb_pass MONGODB_PASS]
                  [--falco_rules_file RULES_FILE] [--external_falco OUTPUT_FILE]

The Dagda server.

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           enable debug logging

  -s SERVER_HOST, --server_host SERVER_HOST
                        address/interface where the server binds itself. By
                        default, Dagda server binds to ''

  -p SERVER_PORT, --server_port SERVER_PORT
                        port where the server binds itself. By default, the
                        Dagda server port is 5000

  -m MONGODB_HOST, --mongodb_host MONGODB_HOST
                        address/interface where the MongoDB is listening. By
                        default, MongoDB server is set to ''

  -mp MONGODB_PORT, --mongodb_port MONGODB_PORT
                        port where the MongoDB is listening. By default, the
                        MongoDB port is set to 27017

  --mongodb_ssl         creates the connection to the MongoDB server using
                        SSL/TLS. By default, SSL/TLS connection is disabled

  --mongodb_user        username for basic authentication with MongoDB. By
                        default, authentication is disabled
  --mongodb_pass        password for basic authentication with MongoDB. By
                        default, authentication is disabled

  --falco_rules_file RULES_FILE    
                        sysdig/falco custom rules file (See 'Falco Rules' wiki
                        page []
                        for details)
  -ef OUTPUT_FILE, --external_falco OUTPUT_FILE
                        Dagda doesn't start its own sysdig/falco and it will 
                        read the external sysdig/falco output file passed by
                        parameter. The external sysdig/falco must be started
                        with the next parameters (See Falco wiki for details
                            -o json_output=true 
                            -o file_output.enabled=true

If you want know the Dagda REST API, see the REST API wiki page.

vuln sub-command

Dagda needs its own CVEs, BIDs, RHBAs, RHSAs & Exploits database for performing queries over it during the docker images/containers analysis and, in this way, be able to generate the report for each analysis. That is way, the vuln --init command must be executed the first for populating the database.

On the other hand, you can perform queries over the database in the same way that Dagda. Below, the vuln usage message is shown:

usage: vuln [-h] [--init] [--init_status]
                  [--bid BID] [--bid_info BID] [--cve CVE] [--cve_info CVE] 
                  [--exploit_db EXPLOIT_DB] [--exploit_db_info EXPLOIT_DB]
                  [--rhba RHBA] [--rhba_info RHBA] [--rhsa RHSA] [--rhsa_info RHSA] 
                  [--product PRODUCT] [--product_version PRODUCT_VERSION]

Your personal CVE, BID, RHBA, RHSA & ExploitDB database.

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --init                initializes your local database with all CVEs provided
                        by NIST publications, all BugTraqs Ids (BIDs)
                        downloaded from the ""
                        pages (See my "bidDB_downloader" project for details
                        for details), all RHSAs (Red Hat Security Advisories) 
                        and RHBAs (Red Hat Bug Advisories) provided by Red Hat 
                        publications, and all exploits from Offensive Security
                        Exploit Database. If this argument is present, all
                        CVEs, BIDs, RHBAs, RHSAs and exploits of your local 
                        database will be updated.
  --init_status         retrieves the initialization status
  --bid BID             all product with this BugTraq Id (BID) vulnerability
                        will be shown
  --bid_info BID        shows all details about this BugTraq Id (BID)
  --cve CVE             all products with this CVE vulnerability will be shown
  --cve_info CVE        shows all details about this CVE vulnerability
  --exploit_db EXPLOIT_DB
                        all products with this Exploit_DB Id vulnerability
                        will be shown
  --exploit_db_info EXPLOIT_DB
                        shows all details about this exploit
  --rhba RHBA           all products with this RHBA vulnerability will be shown
  --rhba_info RHBA      shows all details about this RHBA vulnerability                        

  --rhsa RHSA           all products with this RHSA vulnerability will be shown
  --rhsa_info RHSA      shows all details about this RHSA vulnerability 
  --product PRODUCT     all CVE/BID/RHBA/RHSA vulnerabilities and exploits of this
                        product will be shown
  --product_version PRODUCT_VERSION
                        extra filter for product query about CVE/BID/RHBA/RHSA
                        vulnerabilities and exploits. If this argument is
                        present, the "--product" argument must be present too

As you can see in the previous usage message, you can perform queries by CVE, BID, RHBA, RHSA or Exploit_DB, or by product and product version (Keep in mind that --product_version is a optional argument when you query by --product). A usage example would be the next one:

    python3 vuln --product openldap --product_version 2.2.20

The expected output for the previous query is shown below:

            "CVE-2005-4442": {
                "cveid": "CVE-2005-4442",
                "cvss_access_complexity": "Low",
                "cvss_access_vector": "Local access",
                "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                "cvss_availability_impact": "Complete",
                "cvss_base": 7.2,
                "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "Complete",
                "cvss_exploit": 3.9,
                "cvss_impact": 10.0,
                "cvss_integrity_impact": "Complete",
                "cvss_vector": [
                "cweid": "CWE-0",
                "mod_date": "05-09-2008",
                "pub_date": "20-12-2005",
                "summary": "Untrusted search path vulnerability in OpenLDAP before 2.2.28-r3 on Gentoo Linux allows local users in the portage group to gain privileges via a malicious shared object in the Portage temporary build directory, which is part of the RUNPATH."
            "CVE-2006-2754": {
                "cveid": "CVE-2006-2754",
                "cvss_access_complexity": "Low",
                "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                "cvss_availability_impact": "None",
                "cvss_base": 5.0,
                "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                "cvss_exploit": 10.0,
                "cvss_impact": 2.9,
                "cvss_integrity_impact": "Partial",
                "cvss_vector": [
                "cweid": "CWE-0",
                "mod_date": "07-03-2011",
                "pub_date": "01-06-2006",
                "summary": "Stack-based buffer overflow in st.c in slurpd for OpenLDAP before 2.3.22 might allow attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long hostname."
            "CVE-2006-5779": {
                "cveid": "CVE-2006-5779",
                "cvss_access_complexity": "Low",
                "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                "cvss_availability_impact": "Partial",
                "cvss_base": 5.0,
                "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                "cvss_exploit": 10.0,
                "cvss_impact": 2.9,
                "cvss_integrity_impact": "None",
                "cvss_vector": [
                "cweid": "CWE-399",
                "mod_date": "26-08-2011",
                "pub_date": "07-11-2006",
                "summary": "OpenLDAP before 2.3.29 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) via LDAP BIND requests with long authcid names, which triggers an assertion failure."
            "CVE-2006-6493": {
                "cveid": "CVE-2006-6493",
                "cvss_access_complexity": "High",
                "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                "cvss_availability_impact": "Partial",
                "cvss_base": 5.1,
                "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "Partial",
                "cvss_exploit": 4.9,
                "cvss_impact": 6.4,
                "cvss_integrity_impact": "Partial",
                "cvss_vector": [
                "cweid": "CWE-0",
                "mod_date": "07-03-2011",
                "pub_date": "12-12-2006",
                "summary": "Buffer overflow in the krbv4_ldap_auth function in servers/slapd/kerberos.c in OpenLDAP 2.4.3 and earlier, when OpenLDAP is compiled with the --enable-kbind (Kerberos KBIND) option, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via an LDAP bind request using the LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41 authentication method and long credential data."
            "CVE-2007-5707": {
                "cveid": "CVE-2007-5707",
                "cvss_access_complexity": "Medium",
                "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                "cvss_availability_impact": "Complete",
                "cvss_base": 7.1,
                "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                "cvss_exploit": 8.6,
                "cvss_impact": 6.9,
                "cvss_integrity_impact": "None",
                "cvss_vector": [
                "cweid": "CWE-399",
                "mod_date": "07-03-2011",
                "pub_date": "30-10-2007",
                "summary": "OpenLDAP before 2.3.39 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (slapd crash) via an LDAP request with a malformed objectClasses attribute.  NOTE: this has been reported as a double free, but the reports are inconsistent."
            "CVE-2007-5708": {
                "cveid": "CVE-2007-5708",
                "cvss_access_complexity": "Medium",
                "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                "cvss_authentication": "None required",
                "cvss_availability_impact": "Complete",
                "cvss_base": 7.1,
                "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                "cvss_exploit": 8.6,
                "cvss_impact": 6.9,
                "cvss_integrity_impact": "None",
                "cvss_vector": [
                "cweid": "CWE-399",
                "mod_date": "07-03-2011",
                "pub_date": "30-10-2007",
                "summary": "slapo-pcache (overlays/pcache.c) in slapd in OpenLDAP before 2.3.39, when running as a proxy-caching server, allocates memory using a malloc variant instead of calloc, which prevents an array from being initialized properly and might allow attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) via unknown vectors that prevent the array from being null terminated."
            "CVE-2011-4079": {
                "cveid": "CVE-2011-4079",
                "cvss_access_complexity": "Low",
                "cvss_access_vector": "Network",
                "cvss_authentication": "Requires single instance",
                "cvss_availability_impact": "Partial",
                "cvss_base": 4.0,
                "cvss_confidentiality_impact": "None",
                "cvss_exploit": 8.0,
                "cvss_impact": 2.9,
                "cvss_integrity_impact": "None",
                "cvss_vector": [
                "cweid": "CWE-189",
                "mod_date": "06-01-2017",
                "pub_date": "27-10-2011",
                "summary": "Off-by-one error in the UTF8StringNormalize function in OpenLDAP 2.4.26 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (slapd crash) via a zero-length string that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow, as demonstrated using an empty postalAddressAttribute value in an LDIF entry."
            "BID-83610": {
                "bugtraq_id": 83610,
                "class": "Failure to Handle Exceptional Conditions",
                "cve": [
                "local": "no",
                "remote": "yes",
                "title": "OpenLDAP CVE-2006-6493 Remote Security Vulnerability"
            "BID-83843": {
                "bugtraq_id": 83843,
                "class": "Failure to Handle Exceptional Conditions",
                "cve": [
                "local": "no",
                "remote": "yes",
                "title": "OpenLDAP CVE-2006-2754 Remote Security Vulnerability"

Database contents

When you perform the vuln --init command for populating the database, a MongoDB database called vuln_database is created. In this database there are 10 collections: