This repo is just a bunch of NixOS modules, so you can pick or override anything.
sudo git clone /etc/nixos
sudo chown -R 1000:users /etc/nixos
cd /etc/nixos
mv configuration.nix{,.bak}
ln -s hosts/hk47.nix configuration.nix
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
- Flakes for reproducible builds
- Multiple hosts, each host can contain multiple users.
- Tiling with leftwm and Polybar or tmux
- Steam, Spotify, Netflix
- leftwm + polybar, fish + direnv, mosh, alacritty, ripgrep, rsync, fzf, zoxide, tldr, delta
- Neovim with LSP for Elixir, Rust, Nix and others.
- fuzzy search by apps, emojis and clipboard history wih rofi
- all hosts connected with wireguard
- tomb / LUKS
- gopass / browserpass integration
- uBlock Origin
- VPN enabled by default
- element-desktop