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e0e69be · Feb 13, 2018

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Ref Inspector

Referer parser library.



To use Ref Inspector with your projects, edit your mix.exs file and add the required dependencies:

defp deps do
  [{ :ref_inspector, "~> 0.19" }]

Application/Supervisor Setup

Probably the easiest way to manage startup is by simply adding :ref_inspector to the list of applications:

def application do
  [ applications: [ :ref_inspector ]]

A second possible approach is to take care of supervision yourself. This means you should add :ref_inspector to your included applications instead:

def application do
  [ included_applications: [ :ref_inspector ]]

And also add the appropriate RefInspector.Supervisor to your hierarchy:

# in your application/supervisor
children = [
  # ...
  supervisor(RefInspector.Supervisor, [])
  # ..

Referer Database

Using mix you can store a local copy of the regexes database in the configured path. This database is taken from the referer-parser project.

The local path of the downloaded file will be shown to you upon command invocation.

If you want to download the database files using your application you can directly call

When using both the mix task and a default remote configuration an informational README is placed next to the downloaded file(s). This behaviour can be deactivated by configuration:

config :ref_inspector,
  skip_download_readme: true


Add the referer database you want to use to your project configuration:

use Mix.Config

# static configuration
config :ref_inspector,
  database_files: [ "referers_search.yml", "referers_social.yml" ],
  database_path:  Path.join(Mix.Utils.mix_home, "ref_inspector") ]

# dynamic configuration
# { mod, fun } tuple without arguments
# called upon supervisor (re-) start
config :ref_inspector
  init: { MyInitModule, :my_init_fun }

Configuration (Database Files)

The remote urls of your database file are configurable:

# default configuration
config :ref_inspector,
  remote_urls: [{

# custom configuration
config :ref_inspector,
  remote_urls: [
    { "local_filename.yml", "" }

All files configured will be saved as under the configured database path. If you have not configure a custom file path the filename extracted from the url will be taken.

Configuration (ETS Cleanup)

When reloading the old database is deleted with a configurable delay. The delay is defined in milliseconds with a default of 30_000.

config :ref_inspector,
  ets_cleanup_delay: 30_000

Configuration (HTTP client)

The database is downloaded using :hackney. To pass custom configuration values to hackney you can use the key :http_opts in your config:

config :ref_inspector,
  http_opts: [ proxy: "" ]

Please see :hackney.request/5 for a complete list of available options.

Configuration (Worker Pool)

All parsing requests are internally done using a :poolboy worker pool. The behaviour of this pool can be configured:

config :ref_inspector,
  pool: [ max_overflow: 10, size: 5 ]

As these options are passed unmodified please look at the official poolboy documentation for details.

Defaults are defined in the module RefInspector.Pool.


Sometimes (for example after downloading a new database set) it is required to reload the internal database. This can be done asynchronously:


This process is handled in the background, so for some time the old data will be used for lookups.

If you need to check if the database is still empty or (at least partially!) loaded, you can use RefInspector.ready?/0. Please be aware that this method checks the current state and not what will happen after an (potentially running) reload is finished.


iex(1)> RefInspector.parse("")
  referer: "",
  medium:  :search,
  source:  "google",
  term:    "ref_inspector"

Medium will be one of :unknown, :email, :paid, :search or :social (always an atom). If configured to do so it might also be :internal.

Source will be :unknown (as atom) if nothing was matched, otherwise a string with the detected provider.

Term will be :none (as atom) if no query parameters were given to parse or the provider does not send any terms to detect (mostly social or email referers). Otherwise it will be an unencoded string will the term passed (can be empty).

Referer will return the passed referer unmodified.

Internal Domains

To exclude some domains from parsing you can mark them as :internal using your configuration:

config :ref_inspector,
  internal: [ "", "" ]

If a referer matches (== ends with) at least one of the configured domains (paths ignored!), it will return a result with the medium :internal. Both :source and :term will be left at the initial/unknown state not intended for further processing.



Apache License, Version 2.0

Referers.yml taken from the referer-parser project. See there for detailed license information about the data contained.