Google Cloud Storage for Waffle
Waffle (formerly Arc) is a file uploading library for Elixir. It's main goal is to provide "plug and play" file uploading and retrieval functionality for any storage provider (e.g. AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc).
Waffle GCS provides an integration between Waffle and Google Cloud Storage. It is (in my opinion) the spiritual successor to arc_gcs. If you want to easily upload and retrieve files using Google Cloud Storage as your provider, and you also use Waffle, then this library is for you.
The major three differences are:
- Transitions from
. - Uses the official Google Cloud API client for Elixir rather than constructing XML requests and sending them over HTTP.
- (In Progress) Implements the v4 URL signing process in addition to the existing v2 process.
Because Google now officially builds client libraries for Elixir, it is more maintainable to use those libraries rather than relying on the older XML API. The v2 URL signing process is also being deprecated in favor of the v4 process. Although Google will give plenty of advance notice if/when the v2 process is becoming unsupported, it's again more maintainable to use Google best practices to ensure future compatibility.
Add it to your mix dependencies:
defp deps do
{:goth, "~> 1.3"},
{:waffle_gcs, "~> 0.2"}
All configuration values are stored under the :waffle
app key. E.g.
config :waffle,
storage: Waffle.Storage.Google.CloudStorage,
bucket: "gcs-bucket",
storage_dir: "uploads/waffle",
token_fetcher: MyApp.WaffleTokenFetcher
Note: a valid bucket name is a required config. This can either be a
hard-coded string (e.g. "gcs-bucket"
) or a system env tuple (e.g.
{:system, "WAFFLE_BUCKET"}
). You can also override this in your definition
module (e.g. def bucket(), do: "my-bucket"
Authentication is done through Goth which requires credentials (
For newer versions of Goth, you must provide the token fetcher module, for example:
defmodule MyApp.WaffleTokenFetcher do
@behaviour Waffle.Storage.Google.Token.Fetcher
@impl true
def get_token(_scope) when is_binary(_scope) do
And configure it to use your module:
config :waffle,
storage: Waffle.Storage.Google.CloudStorage,
bucket: "gcs-bucket-name",
token_fetcher: MyApp.WaffleTokenFetcher
You can use the Goth 1.1 token fetcher that reads the default credentials from Goth.
config :waffle,
storage: Waffle.Storage.Google.CloudStorage,
bucket: "gcs-bucket-name",
token_fetcher: Waffle.Storage.Googke.Token.Fetcher.GothTokenFetcher
If your bucket/object permissions do not allow for public access, you will need
to use signed URLs to give people access to the uploaded files. This is done by
either passing signed: true
to CloudStorage.url/4
or by setting it in the
configs (config :waffle, signed: true
). The default expiration time is one
hour but can be changed by setting the :expires_in
config/option value. The
value is the number of seconds the URL should remain valid for after
You can specify custom object headers by defining gcs_object_headers/2
in your definition which returns keyword list or map. E.g.
def gcs_object_headers(_version, {_file, _scope}) do
[contentType: "image/jpeg"]
The list of all the supported attributes can be found here:
You can specify optional params by defining gcs_optional_params/2
in your definition, which returns keywords list, E.g:
def gcs_optional_params(_version, {_file, _scope}) do
[predefinedAcl: "publicRead"]
It will be used as optional_params
argument in gcs request. List of all supported attributes can be found here: