A plugin for fetching NFT data from the Stargaze API.
The Plugin Stargaze provides a simple interface to get NFT data from Stargaze collections. It integrates with Stargaze's GraphQL API to fetch the latest NFTs from collections.
pnpm add @elizaos/plugin-stargaze
Set up your environment with the required Stargaze API endpoint, currently Stargaze offers https://graphql.mainnet.stargaze-apis.com/graphql publicly.
Variable Name | Description |
Stargaze GraphQL API endpoint |
import { stargazePlugin } from "@elizaos/plugin-stargaze";
// Initialize the plugin
const plugin = stargazePlugin;
// The plugin provides the GET_LATEST_NFT action which can be used to fetch NFTs
// Example: "Show me the latest NFT from ammelia collection"