This is an implementation of a very simple test framework. It can be built with no dependencies (other than the C++ standard library) and can rely on only C++11 features. It supports stack traces on test failures as of 0.2.1-beta.3, which uses Boost.StackTrace, but this is not required to use the framework.
The library is most useful for educational projects or small personal/internal projects, as many features required for testing more complex projects are not present. For testing more complex projects I would recommend using GoogleTest.
The code is ~1.3k lines. The Release builds are optimized for speed over size, so the build could probably be tweaked to get a smaller binary if desired.
See the various Milestones in GitHub to get a feel for where the project is headed and what features are planned for the future.
Here are the lists of current and planned features.
Features of the test framework are very minimal and include:
- Test case definition
- Test suite definition
- Test elapsed time logging
- Basic assertions
- assertEquals
- assertNotEquals
- assertNull
- assertNotNull
- assertTrue
- assertFalse
- assertThrows
- assertNoThrows
- fail function, for marking incomplete or skeleton tests, or failing in certain cases in a managed way that reduces boilerplate.
There is no plan for advanced features like mocking or death tests. The goal is to keep the library simple and easy to use, and to delegate more complex testing to more advanced libraries like GoogleTest, and more advanced features like mocking/faking to external libraries; maybe this will change in the future, since this is a project of exploration with no real constraints other than to maintain simplicity (complex things can be simple).
The following features are currently planned:
- Test result output to files or stdout/stderr in a variety of formats
- JUnit XML
- xUnit XML
- TAP (Become a TAP Producer)
- Maven Surefire XML
- Additional assertions, mostly convenient extensions of the current
- Numerical Analysis Assertions
- assertLessThan
- assertGreaterThan
- assertLessThanOrEqual
- assertGreaterThanOrEqual
- assertIsEven
- assertIsOdd
- assertIsPrime
- assertIsNotPrime
- assertIsComposite
- assertIsNotComposite
- assertIsPerfect
- assertIsNotPerfect
- assertIsPowerOf
- assertIsNotPowerOf
- assertIsDivisorOf
- assertIsNotDivisorOf
- assertIsMultipleOf
- assertIsNotMultipleOf
- assertIsFactorOf
- assertIsNotFactorOf
- assertIsDivisibleBy
- assertIsNotDivisibleBy
- Range Assertions - Dates, Times, Durations, Numbers, strings,
custom-defined ranges of varying types
- assertWithinRange
- assertNotWithinRange
- Container/string Assertions
- assertEmpty
- assertNotEmpty
- assertContains
- assertNotContains
- assertStartsWith
- assertEndsWith
- assertSizeIs
- String-only Assertions
- assertMatches
- assertNotMatches
- Miscellaneous Assertions
- assertIsOneOf
- assertIsNotOneOf
- Will apply lexicographically or numerically depending on the
type of the arguments, with parameters to control what "close"
- assertIsCloseTo
- assertIsNotCloseTo
- Numerical Analysis Assertions
As of 0.1.0-beta.1 this library can be included in a CMake build
using the find_package
CMake function after installing, like
find_package(TestCPP CONFIG REQUIRED)
Then add it to your test executable target through target_link_libraries like so:
Will be available for 1.5 release
You will be able to include TestCPP in your vcpkg
project by running
the following in the root of your project (pending vcpkg PR approval
that I have in right now microsoft/vcpkg#37471):
vcpkg add port eljonny-testcpp
Will be available for 2.0 release
You will be able to include it in your conan
project (pending
approval from the Conan community).
First add it as a dependency to your project in conanfile.txt:
Then installing TestCPP into your project by running the following in the root of your project (pending Conan Center PR approval):
conan install . --output-folder=build --build=missing
You can get binary packages from the Releases page on the GitHub repo, or get them directly from the latest successful build on the Actions page from the multi-platform or linux-package workflows on the repo. Currently binaries are generated by the workflows for 64-bit Linux and Windows, and the 32-bit packages are generated elsewhere (my local dev machine currently).
Include the test framework through TestCPP/TestCPP.h, whether you
make it a part of your project or install the files into
the standard install locations (like /usr/local/include/TestCPP
in linux).
Link in the test library through a linker flag if you
installed it, most commonly -lTestCPP
Now you're ready to write tests. There are contrived examples provided through demo/include/tests.h and programmatic test registration and test running in demo/src/main.cpp. The contrived example tests are defined in demo/src/tests.cpp. Also, the library is tested with itself, so these can also be used as examples.
The Test Suite creation API is used to collect and run tests as in the example files and the tests for the library itself. Test Cases are defined as STL tuples where the first element is the test name and the second element is the function that contains the test code to execute. The framework can be easily modified to support other test definition formats if desired as the constructor is vararg templatized, so you would just need to add a new implementation of addTest to support the way you would like to construct your Test Cases. The Test Suite creation API is a single constructor function that looks like this:
template<typename... TestType>
TestFramework::TestSuite suite(TestType ...tests)
You can also create a TestSuite object through the default constructor and add tests programmatically that way if desired.
As long as there is an operator==
implementation for the types
being compared, the assertEquals
and assertNotEquals
will work
as expected.
Test failures are handled with TestFailedException and an error message will be logged describing the failure for each test. Internal library errors are handled with TestCPPException. Both of these custom exceptions are based on the STL runtime_error.
The project can be built in a few ways. Whether you prefer an IDE or a terminal, you're covered here.
I developed this project in the CodeLite IDE, for which there is a workspace and project in this repository. In the project, there are CMake targets defined for Release and Debug builds. It is, as far as I know, strictly compliant with the C++11 standard, and should work on any platform where there is a compiler toolchain that supports this standard, which at this point is almost anywhere.
To build within the CodeLite IDE:
- Load the workspace
- Select your desired build configuration (Debug or Release)
- Right click on the TestFramework project
- Move to the Custom Targets... context menu option
- Click cmake (or for Release builds where you actually want to deploy the library, cmake-rls or cmake-nost-rls)
In the Custom Targets... context menu option there are also, depending on the build configuration chose, ctest, cpack, cppcheck, clean, clang-tidy, cmake-nost-rls, and cmake-rls targets, which will, respectively:
- Run the test suite for the library and, if the Debug configuration is selected, generate code coverage reports for the library code.
- Create binary and/or source packages (depending on the build configuration selected), and if you're on a Linux distro that supports building RPM and/or DEB packages, will build those too.
- Runs CMake without actually running the build so the build system is generated with compile_commands.json, then runs cppcheck against what is defined in compile_commands.json. In this case, this is only the core library header and source files.
- Runs the CMake clean command and completely removes the build directory, based on the selected configuration.
- Runs the build with the TESTCPP_ANALYSIS_ENABLED build variable set, which enables clang-tidy for each compilation step, as in it will run clang-tidy on each file that is compiled immediately after successful compilation.
- Configures the build with the minimal amount of code to build the library, such that the result is suitable for distribution. In this way, the build omits the demo, lib tests, and dependencies to provide a pure C++11 library.
- Configures the build in the same way as cmake-nost-rls but includes stack trace functionality via Boost.StackTrace, which causes the library to have link-time dependencies as explained in other elements of this README.
I have been able to successfully configure and build the project in Visual Studio 2022 Community using the built-in CMake project integration, so this does work if you would like to proceed this way.
There are a number of CMake Presets defined in CMakePresets.json that align with different build configurations and analysis profiles, including all build feature variations (with/without the Demo project, with/without the tests, and subsequently with/without stacktrace support via Boost.StackTrace, and finally Debug and Release).
To get started, open the root project folder in Visual Studio 2022 and select the desired CMake Preset from the Build Configurations dropdown which will be populated with all applicable buildPresets once the project has fully loaded. Visual Studio automatically detects the presence of the CMakePresets.json and CMakeLists.txt files and will configure the project with the lexicographically-first build preset. Subsequently, you can build the project from the Build menu or by pressing F7 after successful configuration.
The CMake build is split into components that get included into the main build file to make modifying each piece more logical and manageable.
The top-level components are as follows:
- CMake Build File: The main build file that includes all the other components (CMakeLists.txt).
- Code Analysis:
Configuring code analysis tools (Analysis.cmake).
Currently, this includes clang-tidy in the build process.
- CPPCheck is also included in the build process, but it is not included in the Analysis.cmake file because it is run as part of the static analysis GitHub Action (see .github/workflows/cmake-static-analysis.yml).
- Build Type Handling: Handling the build type which sets compile options for the platform on which the build is being run based on the build type (Debug, Release, I still need to work on getting RelWithDebugInfo configured properly) (BuildTypeHandling.cmake).
- Target Includes: Which includes should be applied to which targets (Includes.cmake).
- Installing: Configuring installation of the library (Installing.cmake).
- Target Link Libraries: Which libraries need to be linked in which build targets, based on the result of VarChecks in terms of code coverage (Linking.cmake).
- Packaging: Configuring library packaging parameters, enable CPack (Packing.cmake).
- Build Targets Configuration: Setting up the build targets (Targets.cmake). Lists each translation unit that applies to each target.
- Testing: Testing configuration, based on the result of VarChecks (Testing.cmake).
- Variable Checks:
Checking the variables to enable or disable certain sections of the
build (VarChecks.cmake).
Variables that are checked:
- TESTCPP_COVERAGE_ENABLED If set to 1, enables code coverage with gcov if testing is also enabled. If undefined or set to 0, coverage will be disabled even if testing is enabled.
- TESTCPP_DEMO_ENABLED If set to 1, enables the demo target, which builds a small executable that runs some contrived tests to verify compilation and runtime. If undefined or set to 0, the demo target will not be built. The name of the demo target is ${PROJECT_NAME}_run.
- TESTCPP_TEST_ENABLED If set to 1, CTest is included and the test targets are enabled. If undefined or set to 0, testing for the library will be disabled and the tests will not be built.
- TESTCPP_ANALYSIS_ENABLED If set to 1, enables running clang-tidy, which runs clang-tidy on each translation unit that is compiled based on the config- uration in the clang-tidy dot file (.clang-tidy in the project root). If undefined or set to 0, clang-tidy will not be run.
If set to 1, enables compilation with Boost.StackTrace, which
adds dependencies on that library (header-only, included in
the project in the 3rdparty directory) and also the following:
- Boost.Config
- Boost.ContainerHash
- Boost.Core
- Boost.Functional
- Boost.Predef
- Boost.Utility
- Boost.Winapi on Windows Note that none of these require binaries, they are all header- only, so they are not required in downstream builds. This also adds dependencies on platform-specific libraries at link-time for address resolution in the stacktraces:
- Windows
- ole32
- dbgeng
- Non-Windows
- libdl
There are a number of CMake modules in the cmake directory, including the following:
- Build definitions:
- CompileDefs.cmake Defines compile definitions for all configurations of the project.
- DebugCompileDefs.cmake Defines compile definitions specific to the Debug configuration of the project.
- GCCClangDebug.cmake Defines compiler flags specific to the Debug configuration of the project when building with GCC or Clang.
- GCCClangRelease.cmake Defines compiler flags specific to the Release configuration of the project when building with GCC or Clang.
- GCCCoverage.cmake Defines compiler flags specific to the Debug configuration of the project when building with GCC and generating code coverage data.
- MSVCDebug.cmake Defines compiler flags specific to the Debug configuration of the project when building with MSVC.
- MSVCRelease.cmake Defines compiler flags specific to the Release configuration of the project when building with MSVC.
- Linking definitions:
- Demo.cmake Defines the linking for the demo targets.
- TestCPPWithCoverage.cmake Defines the linking for the TestCPP library when code coverage is enabled.
- Tests.cmake Defines the linking for the test targets.
- TestsWithCoverage.cmake Defines the linking for the test targets when code coverage is enabled.
- Toolchain files:
- Windows
- Windows.Clang.toolchain.cmake Toolchain file for Visual Studio-installed Clang on Windows.
- Windows.MSVC.toolchain.cmake Toolchain file for MSVC on Windows.
- Windows.Kits.cmake Toolchain file for Windows SDKs.
- VSWhere.cmake Toolchain file for finding Visual Studio installations.
- Windows
To build outside of the CodeLite IDE, you can run the following commands, after cloning the repo, for the debug build:
cd TestCPP
mkdir build-debug
cd build-debug
The Debug configuration supports testing and code coverage. To enable
those in the build, add one or both of the following flags to cmake
- For testing:
- For code coverage:
For the release build:
cd TestCPP
mkdir build-release
cd build-release
The Release configuration supports testing. To enable generation of the
test target in the build, add the following flag to cmake
The Release configuration does not support code coverage because of the compiler optimizations used.
Both Release and Debug configurations support building the demo app,
which you can enable by adding the following flag to cmake
Both Release and Debug configurations support building with stack trace functionality with the folloeing flag:
You can run cppcheck, infer, and clang-tidy on the generated compile_commands.json.
Another tool that is helpful to run is flawfinder.
For clang-tidy, you can also use the CMake flag to have CMake run clang-tidy during the build.
clang-tidy uses the .clang-tidy configuration file so you don't need to specify any options unless you want to run it with different checks/ behavior from what I usually run for this project.
My suggested options for cppcheck are:
- --project=compile_commands.json
- Uses the generated CMake output to define a check project; you need to adjust the argument to this parameter to match the path to the compile_commands.json file that was generated.
- --enable=all
- Enables all CPPCheck checks applicable to the project.
- --suppress=missingIncludeSystem
- Then suppress missing system includes, there are no <>-enclosed includes that need to be checked for this project.
- --suppress=unusedFunction
- Then suppress checking for unused functions. Most API functions are not used within the library itself, and CPPCheck will generate numerous errors saying the functions are unused.
- --suppress=checkersReport
- Then suppress the checkers report, which is a summary of the checks that were run and how many were skipped.
- --suppress='*:3rdparty/*'
- Ignore all checks in the 3rdparty directory, which is where the Boost headers are stored for this project.
- --inconclusive
- Allow inconclusive results to be reported, which can identify more potential issues in the code.
- --force
- Forces checking of all preprocessor configurations
- --check-level=exhaustive
- Analysis covers all possible paths and more expensive checks
- --inline-suppr
- Obeys inline suppression of errors in the code, which are used in this project to suppress specific instances of errors/warnings that are not applicable or are false positives.
- --quiet
- Suppresses all output except for errors and warnings
- --std=c++11
- Specifies the C++ standard to use for checking the code
I would recommend against using the -j parameter with cppcheck because it disables certain checks that are used in the project.
For infer, you can run the following command after configuring the build:
infer run --compilation-database path/to/compile_commands.json
For flawfinder, you can run the following command to analyze src and then include and generate HTML reports about the results in the:
flawfinder --minlevel=0 --html --context --columns src > out/report/flawfinder/src-flaws.html
flawfinder --minlevel=0 --html --context --columns include > out/report/flawfinder/i-flaws.html
For a concise report on the command line, you can run the following commands:
flawfinder --minlevel=0 --dataonly --quiet --columns src
flawfinder --minlevel=0 --dataonly --quiet --columns include
I would also recommend using the following flawfinder arguments:
- --error-level=0
- Sets the error level to 0, which is the lowest level of error reporting; this is essentially all-warnings-as-errors.
The library is tested using itself.
If you would like to test the framework after building it, ensure the test flag was passed to CMake when you built it then run the following command from the build-debug or build-release directory:
ctest --progress --verbose
If you would like to generate code coverage reports from the tests, ensure that the code coverage flag was passed to CMake when you built it and that you built it using GCC and with the Debug configuration then run the following commands after running the tests (running the tests generates the raw coverage data):
mkdir -p coverage && cd coverage
find .. -name '*.gcda' | xargs gcov -abcfmu
find . -type f -not -name 'Test*.gcov' | xargs rm
These commands do the following:
- create and enter a directory for storing the coverage reports
- collect all the raw coverage data files generated by the GCC compiler (gcov does not work with clang as far as I understand, and the toolchain is generally not present when building with cl on Windows)
- Pass the list of files to gcov to process the raw data and output human-readable code coverage reports
- Remove all the coverage data for non-project code
The GitHub repo is linked to Codecov which visualizes this data.
After building, run the variant of the commands that align with your build configuration (starting from the project directory). For the debug build:
cd build-debug
sudo cmake --install .
For the release build:
cd build-release
sudo cmake --install .
The project is configured to use CPack, if you would like to create your own binary and/or source distribution of the project.
To create basic binary packages that can be used on the target OS and architecture (I believe this is based on what type of system you run the build process), run the following command from the CMake build directory (either build-debug or build-release):
cpack --config CPackConfig.cmake
Building the basic binary packages on Windows will generate an NSIS executable installer while building on Linux will generate multiple tarballs and an executable sh installer file.
To create source packages, run the following command from the CMake build directory (either build-debug or build-release):
cpack --config CPackSourceConfig.cmake
If you are building on Linux, the build supports generating deb and rpm packages. To build those, run the following respective commands from the CMake build directory (either build-debug or build-release):
cpack -G DEB
cpack -G RPM
If you are building on Windows, the build supports generating MSI packages. To build those (make sure you have the WiX toolkit installed first), run the following command from the CMake build directory:
cpack -G WIX
Both Windows and Linux builds also support generating a zip package by running the following command from the CMake build directory (either build-debug or build-release):
cpack -G ZIP
I'm more than willing to work on issues as they come up. Please submit an issue on the repo if there are problems building, testing, or using the framework.
I am semi-actively developing this library/framework, if anyone would like to contribute please do so by submitting pull requests on GitHub.
The project is configured to use GitHub Actions for CI/CD. There are several workflows that are used to build, test, and package the library. The workflows are as follows:
- cmake-multi-platform-st.yml
- Builds the library on Windows and Linux with stack traces enabled.
- cmake-multi-platform-nost.yml
- Builds the library on Windows and Linux with stack traces disabled.
- cmake-build-test-st.yml
- Builds and tests the library on Windows and Linux with stack traces enabled.
- cmake-build-test-nost.yml
- Builds and tests the library on Windows and Linux with stack traces disabled.
- cmake-linux-pack-st.yml
- Builds and packages the library on Linux with stack traces enabled.
- cmake-linux-pack-nost.yml
- Builds and packages the library on Linux with stack traces disabled.
- cmake-windows-pack-st.yml
- Builds and packages the library on Windows with stack traces enabled.
- cmake-windows-pack-nost.yml
- Builds and packages the library on Windows with stack traces disabled.
- cmake-build-cov-st.yml
- Builds and tests the library on Linux with stack traces enabled and generates code coverage reports that are then pushed to CodeCov for helpful visualizations and reporting.
- cmake-static-analysis.yml
- Runs clang-tidy and cppcheck on the library code using JacobDomagala/StaticAnalysis@master
- codeql.yml
- Runs the CodeQL static analysis tool on the library code.