The library is a simple gate trough Discord's Oauth2 Web API, Based on PHP cURL
It is more easier, less complicated and more practical for multiple uses
- PHP ( Built for php7, but works fine for php5.4 and above )
- cURL extension installed
- Valid Discordapp
- Save DiscordOauth2.php in your working folder and include it on your desired file :
- Create new Class :
$request = new DiscordOauth2(
"Redirect URL",
"Scopes (array)"
- I programmed the Framework to throw Exceptions, so it is better to use it inside Try / Catch statements ...
try {
// Program Code
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
- The Framework is pretty easy to Read, U can take a look on it to understand it more. I suggest referring to Discord Oauth2 API page too
try {
$request = new DiscordOauth2( // ALL data are provided by
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("Error : " . $e->getMessage()); // Die to errors
if(!isset($_GET['code'])) { // Check for Code using GET Method.
try {
$authorizationLink = $request->getAuthorizationUrl(); // Generate Authorization link
echo '<a href="' . $authorizationLink . '">Connect with Discord</a>'; // Prints Auth link as a HTML link
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("Error : " . $e->getMessage()); // Die to errors
} else {
try {
$code = $_GET['code'];
$tokenRequest = $request->exchangeCode('authorization_code', $code); // Returns array
$authToken = $tokenRequest['access_token']; // Get access token from tokens request
$client = $request->fetchData($authToken); // Fetch User data
// ↓ Use Example ↓
$clientGuilds = $client['guilds'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("Error : " . $e->getMessage()); // Die to errors
The framework is licensed Under MIT license, Please fell free to use it at anyway you would like,
Please reffer to LICENSE for more.
- Github : elkhayder
- Facebook : Zakaria Elkhayder
- Instagram : elkhayder.zakaria
- Mail :