I'm a front-end developer who loves to create fast and responsive web applications. I'm always eager to learn new skills and technologies, especially in the areas of performance optimization and testing automation. Currently, I'm learning node.js and looking for opportunities to collaborate on node.js projects. Feel free to check out my work and connect with me. I'm also skilled in refactoring and working on legacy code bases, and I enjoy applying best practices and design patterns to improve code quality and maintainability. Besides coding, I'm a book lover and I like to read books about how JavaScript works and other topics related to web development.
- ✉️ You can contact me at elham.kiyani@gmail.com
- 🧠 I'm learning Python and some weird JavaScript concepts
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on node.js projects. Feel free to check out my work and connect with me
- ⚡ Enjoy reading book