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Jenkins pipeline files for building OpenJDK

AdoptOpenJDK makes use of these scripts to build binaries on the build farm at

Repository contents

This repository contains several useful scripts in order to build OpenJDK personally or at build farm scale.

  1. The docs folder contains images and utility scripts to produce up to date documentation.
  2. The pipelines folder contains the Groovy pipeline scripts for Jenkins (e.g. build | test | checksum | release).
  3. The tools folder contains pipelines/ analysis scripts that deliever success/failure trends and build scripts for code-tool dependancies for the build and test process (e.g. asmtools | jcov | jtharness | jtreg | sigtest).

Configuration Files

The pipelines/jobs/configurations directory contains two categories of configuration files that our jenkins pipelines use (Nicknamed #Build Configs and #Nightly Configs for short).

To ensure both configurations are not overridden in a race condition scenario by another job, the job generators ensure they remain in the sync with the repository.

Generally, any new parameters/configurations that effect the jenkins environment directly should be implemented here. If this is not the case, it would likely be better placed in openjdk-build/platform-specific-configurations (for OS or specific use cases) or openjdk-build/ (for anyone, including end users and jenkins pipelines).


The build config files are the ones that follow the format jdkxx(u)_pipeline_config.groovy with xx being the version number and an optional u if the Java source code is pulled from an update repository. Each is a groovy class with a single Map<String, Map<String, ?>> property containing node labels, tests and other jenkins parameters/constants that are crucial for allowing different parts of the build pipeline to mesh together.

Each architecture/platform has it's own entry similar to the one below (for JDK8 x64 mac builds). The pipelines use the parent map key (e.g. x64Mac) to retrieve the data. See #Data Fields for the currently available fields you can utilise.

x64Mac        : [
    os                   : 'mac',
    arch                 : 'x64',
    additionalNodeLabels : [
            hotspot  : 'macos10.14',
            corretto : 'build-macstadium-macos1010-1',
            openj9   : 'macos10.14'
    test                 : 'default'

Data fields

NOTE: When the type field implies a map, the String key of the inner map is the variant for that field. E.g:

                additionalNodeLabels : [
                        hotspot : 'xlc13&&aix710',
                        openj9 :  'xlc13&&aix715'

Name Required? Type
os âś… String Operating system tag that will identify the job on jenkins and determine which platforms configs to pull from openjdk-build.
E.g. windows, solaris
arch âś… String Architecture tag that will identify the job on jenkins and determine which build params to use.
E.g. x64, sparcv9, x86-32
test ❌ String
Map<String, List>
Tests to run against the binary after the build has completed. A default tag indicates that you want to run whatever the default test nightly/release list is.

Otherwise, you can specify your own list for that paticular platform (not variant)
dockerImage ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Builds the JDK inside a docker container. Should be a DockerHub identifier to pull from in case dockerFile is not specified.
E.g. adoptopenjdk/centos6_build_image
dockerFile ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Builds the JDK inside a docker container using the locally stored image file. Used in conjunction with dockerImage to specify a particular variant to build or pull.
E.g. pipelines/build/dockerFiles/cuda.dockerfile
dockerNode ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Specifies a specific jenkins docker node label to shift into to build the JDK.
E.g. sw.config.uid1000
dockerRegistry ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Used for Docker login when pulling dockerImage from a custom Docker registry. Used in conjunction with dockerImage. Default (blank) will be DockerHub. Must also use dockerCredential.
dockerCredential ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Used for Docker login when pulling a dockerImage. Value is the Jenkins credential ID for the username and password of the dockerRegistry. Used in conjunction with dockerImage. Can use with custom dockerRegistry or default DockerHub. Must use this if using a non-default registry.
additionalNodeLabels ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Appended to the default constructed jenkins node label (often used to lock variants or build configs to specific machines). Jenkins will additionally search for a node with this tag as well as the default node label.
E.g. build-macstadium-macos1010-1, macos10.14
additionalTestLabels ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Used by openjdk-tests to lock specific tests to specific machine nodes (in the same manner as additionalNodeLabels)
E.g. !(centos6||rhel6), dragonwell
configureArgs ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Configuration arguments that will ultimately be passed to OpenJDK's ./configure
E.g. --enable-unlimited-crypto --with-jvm-variants=server --with-zlib=system
buildArgs ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Build arguments that will ultimately be passed to openjdk-build's ./ script
E.g. --enable-unlimited-crypto --with-jvm-variants=server --with-zlib=system
additionalFileNameTag ❌ String Commonly used when building large heap versions of the binary, this tag will also be included in the jenkins job name and binary file name. Include this parameter if you have an "extra" variant that requires a different tagname
E.g. linuxXL
crossCompile ❌ String
Map<String, String>
Used when building on a cross compiled system, informing jenkins to treat it differently when retrieving the version and producing the binary. This value is also used to create the jenkins node label alongside the arch (similarly to additionalNodeLabels)
E.g. x64
bootJDK ❌ String JDK version number to specify to openjdk-build's script, informing it to utilise a predefined location of a boot jdk
E.g. 8, 11
platformSpecificConfigPath ❌ String openjdk-build repository path to pull the operating system configurations from inside openjdk-build's Do not include the repo name or branch as this is prepended automatically.
E.g. pipelines/TestLocation/platform-specific-configurations
codebuild ❌ Boolean Setting this field will tell jenkins to spin up an Azure or AWS cloud machine, allowing the build to retrieve a machine not normally available on the Jenkins server. It does this by appending a codebuild flag to the jenkins label.
cleanWorkspaceAfterBuild ❌ Boolean Setting this field will tell jenkins to clean down the workspace after the build has completed. Particularly useful for AIX where disk space can be limited.


The nightly config files are the ones that follow the format jdkxx(u).groovy with xx being the version number and an optional u if the Java source code is pulled from an update repository. Each is a simple groovy script that's contents can be loaded in and accessed by another script.


A single Map<String, Map<String, String>> variable containing what platforms and variants will be run in the nightly builds and releases (by default, this can be altered in jenkins parameters before executing a user build). If you are creating your own nightly config, you will need to ensure the key values of the upper map are the same as the key values in the corresponding build config file.

targetConfigurations = [
        "x64Mac"        : [
        "x64Linux"      : [
        "x32Windows"    : [
        "x64Windows"    : [
        "ppc64Aix"      : [
        "ppc64leLinux"  : [
        "s390xLinux"    : [
        "aarch64Linux"  : [
        "arm32Linux"  : [
        "sparcv9Solaris": [


If this is present, the jenkins generators will still create the top-level pipeline and downstream jobs but will set them as disabled.

disableJob = true

triggerSchedule_nightly / triggerSchedule_weekly

Cron expression that defines when (and how often) nightly and weekly builds will be executed

triggerSchedule_nightly="TZ=UTC\n05 18 * * 1,3,5"
triggerSchedule_weekly="TZ=UTC\n05 12 * * 6"


Source control references (e.g. tags) to use in the weekly release builds

weekly_release_scmReferences = [
        "hotspot"        : "jdk8u282-b07",
        "openj9"         : "v0.24.0-release",
        "corretto"       : "",
        "dragonwell"     : ""


Alongside the built assets a metadata file will be created with info about the build. This will be a JSON document of the form:

    "vendor": "AdoptOpenJDK",
    "os": "mac",
    "arch": "x64",
    "variant": "openj9",
    "variant_version": {
        "major": "0",
        "minor": "22",
        "security": "0",
        "tags": "m2"
    "version": {
        "minor": 0,
        "security": 0,
        "pre": null,
        "adopt_build_number": 0,
        "major": 15,
        "version": "15+29-202007070926",
        "semver": "15.0.0+29.0.202007070926",
        "build": 29,
        "opt": "202007070926"
    "scmRef": "<output of git describe OR buildConfig.SCM_REF>",
    "buildRef": "<build-repo-name/build-commit-sha>",
    "version_data": "jdk15",
    "binary_type": "debugimage",
    "sha256": "<shasum>",
    "full_version_output": "<output of java --version>",
    "configure_arguments": "<output of bash configure>"

The Metadata class is contained in the Metadata.groovy file and the Json is constructed and written in the openjdk_build_pipeline.groovy file.

It is worth noting the additional tags on the semver is the adopt build number.

Below are all of the keys contained in the metadata file and some example values that can be present.

  • vendor: Example values: [AdoptOpenJDK, Alibaba]

This tag is used to identify the vendor of the JDK being built, this value is set in the file and defaults to "AdoptOpenJDK".

  • os: Example values: [windows, mac, linux, aix, solaris]

This tag identifies the operating system the JDK has been built on (and should be used on).

  • arch: Example values: [aarch64, ppc64, s390x, x64, x86-32, arm]

This tag identifies the architecture the JDK has been built on and it intended to run on.

  • variant: Example values: [hotspot, openj9, corretto, dragonwell]

This tag identifies the JVM being used by the JDK, "dragonwell" itself is not a JVM but is currently considered a variant in its own right.

  • variant_version:

This tag is used to identify a version number of the variant being built, it currently is exclusively used by OpenJ9 and has the following keys:

  • major: Example values: [0, 1]

  • minor: Example values: [22, 23, 24]

  • security: Example values: [0, 1]

  • tags: Example values: [m1, m2]

  • version:

This tag contains the full version information of the JDK built, it uses the VersionInfo.groovy class and the ParseVersion.groovy class.

It contains the following keys:

  • minor: Example values: [0]

  • security: Example Values: [0, 9, 252 272]

  • pre: Example values: [null]

  • adopt_build_number: Example values: [0] If the ADOPT_BUILD_NUMBER parameter is used to build te JDK that value will appear here, otherwise a default value of 0 appears.

  • major: Example values: [8, 11, 15, 16]

  • version: Example values: [1.8.0_272-202010111709-b09, 11.0.9+10-202010122348, 14.0.2+11-202007272039, 16+19-202010120348]

  • semver: Example values: [8.0.202+8.0.202008210941, 11.0.9+10.0.202010122348, 14.0.2+11.0.202007272039, 16.0.0+19.0.202010120339] Formed from the major, minor, security, and build number by the formSemver() function.

  • build: Example values: [6, 9, 18] The OpenJDK build number for the JDK being built.

  • opt: Example values: [202008210941, 202010120348, 202007272039]

  • scmRef: Example values: [dragonwell-8.4.4_jdk8u262-b10, jdk-16+19_adopt-61198-g59e3baa94ac, jdk-11.0.9+10_adopt-197-g11f44f68c5, 23f997ca1]

A reference the the base JDK repository being build, usually including a Github commit reference, i.e. jdk-16+19_adopt-61198-g59e3baa94ac links to via the commit SHA 59e3baa94ac.

Values that only contain a commit reference such as 23f997ca1 are OpenJ9 commits on their respective JDK repositories, for example 23f997ca1 links to the commit

  • buildRef: Example values: [openjdk-build/fe0f2dba, openjdk-build/f412a523] A reference to the build tools repository used to create the JDK, uses the format repository-name/commit-SHA.

  • version_data: Example values: [jdk8u, jdk11u, jdk14u, jdk]

  • binary_type: Example values: [jdk, jre, debugimage, testimage]

  • sha256: Example values: [20278aa9459e7636f6237e85fcd68deec1f42fa90c6c541a2dfa127f4156d3e2, 2f9700bd75a807614d6d525fbd8d016c609a9ea71bf1ffd5d4839f3c1c8e4b8e] A SHA to verify the contents of the JDK.

  • full_version_output: Example values:
openjdk version \"1.8.0_252\"\nOpenJDK Runtime Environment (Alibaba Dragonwell 8.4.4) (build 1.8.0_252-202010111720-b06)\nOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Alibaba Dragonwell 8.4.4) (build 25.252-b06, mixed mode)\n`

The full output of the command java -version for the JDK.

  • configure_arguments: The full output generated by for the JDK built.

Build status

Table generated with

Platform Java 8 Java 11 Java 15 Java 16 Java HEAD
aix-ppc64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
aix-ppc64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
freebsd-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-aix-ppc64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-aix-ppc64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-alpine-linux-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-aarch64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-aarch64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-aarch64-openj9-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-arm-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-ppc64le-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-ppc64le-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-ppc64le-openj9-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-s390x-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-s390x-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-s390x-openj9-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-x64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-linux-x64-openj9-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-mac-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-mac-x64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-mac-x64-openj9-macosXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-windows-aarch64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-windows-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-windows-x64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-windows-x64-openj9-windowsXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
jdk-windows-x86-32-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-aarch64-dragonwell Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-aarch64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-aarch64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-aarch64-openj9-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-arm-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-ppc64le-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-ppc64le-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-ppc64le-openj9-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-riscv64-bisheng Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-riscv64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-s390x-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-s390x-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-s390x-openj9-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-x64-corretto Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-x64-dragonwell Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-x64-hotspot-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-x64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
linux-x64-openj9-linuxXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
mac-x64-corretto Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
mac-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
mac-x64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
mac-x64-openj9-macosXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
solaris-sparcv9-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
solaris-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
windows-x64-dragonwell Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
windows-x64-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
windows-x64-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
windows-x64-openj9-windowsXL Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
windows-x86-32-hotspot Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status
windows-x86-32-openj9 Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status Build Status


jenkins pipeline build scripts



Security policy





No releases published


No packages published


  • Groovy 95.3%
  • Shell 4.3%
  • Dockerfile 0.4%