Click here to see the project live!
This README has the intention of outlining some of the project details
This project was built with HTML, CSS and Javascript, I used the mobile-first approach and prioritized layout simplicity for mobile while creating a more interactive version on desktop, I added a few simple animations to make the landing page more interesting on big screens.
- Image sizes: some images on the landing page are still loading very slowly, I used TINYPNG to make file sizes smaller but it didn't work much with some of them.
- Remove event listener from the window after the animations are loaded.
- Use of git to track changes to the project, since this is a small project I didn't bother using git to manage the project's file but it could be useful if more people were working on this as well.
- House icon provided by Sherrinford on the Noun Project website
- Font: Unica One provided by Google Fonts
- Colors:
- #232121
- #363333
Font-family: Fira Sans provided by Google Fonts
- Bold
- Light
- Buttons:
- Background: #232121
- Font: #fff
- Fonts:
- #fff;
- #232121
- Buttons:
Font sizes
- Desktop base size: 24px
- Mobile base size: 16px
- All photos were provided by Unsplash