EventHunt Design
EventHunt can help you find a popular event that matches with your passion or share event near your location.
Site | URL |
Web | https://eventhunt.co |
API | https://api.eventhunt.co |
Design | https://invis.io/7HEEJI6PE |
- Welcome Page Login / Signup
- See list of events
- See list of events with specific category
- Authentication
- Sign up new user
- Sign in existing user
- Sign out
- User actions
- Post a new event
- Fill the information about the title/name, date and time description URL, location.
- Post a new event
URL | Description |
https://eventhunt.co | Home / List All event posted |
https://eventhunt.co/welcome | Sign up and Sign In page |
https://eventhunt.co/profile/1 | Show user profile |
https://eventhunt.co/post | Create new event |
https://eventhunt.co/event/1 | Show description each event |
For example structure data for User. URL : https://eventhunt.co/profile/1
Field | Description |
_id | ObjectID from MongoDB |
id | The user's unique username. Incremental and Required. |
Email user | |
password | Pasword user |
hash | Hash user |
salt | Salt user |
name | Name profile user |
username | Username for profile |
meta | Meta atribute for user |
token | Token for authentication user |
auth | Token for authentication user |
verify | Token for authetication user |
profile | Attribute profile related with user |
gravatar | Image user profile |
description | The user's optional self-description |
links | Links related with user profile |
events | ObjectID related with event |
createdAt | Creation date of the event, in Unix Time |
Example format data for user :
_id: ObjectId(),
id: 2,
email: "hello@eventhunt.co",
password: "password",
hash: "password",
salt: "salt",
name: "Eventhunt",
username: "eventhunt",
meta: {
token: {
profile: {
gravatar: "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/205e460b479e2e5b48aec07710c08d50",
description: "I am freelance Content Creator",
links: {
website: "https://eventhunt.co",
facebook: "https://facebook.com/eventhunt",
twitter: "https://twitter.com/eventhunt",
events: [ // optional
url: {
link: "https://eventhunt.co/user/1",
createdAt: ISODate(), // timestamp
For example structure data for Event. URL : http://eventhunt.co/events/1
Field | Description |
_id | ObjectID from MongoDB |
id | The user's unique username. Incremental and Required. |
submitter | ObjectID from user who post the event |
title. | Title event |
description | The event description. |
image | Event image |
meta | List of attribute related with event |
categories | Attribute category for event |
schedule | Schedule date of the event, in Unix Time |
timezone | Timezone for event |
location | Attribute location related with event |
place | Attribute place for location related with event |
url | Attribute URL related with event |
link | Attribute link url related with event |
createdAt | Creation date of the event, in Unix Time |
Example format data for event :
_id: ObjectId(),
id: 1,
submitter: ObjectId(),
title: "Hackathon Merdeka",
description: "Hackathon make application usefull for people",
image: "http://url-static/file.jpg",
meta: {
categories: [ "Hackathon" ],
schedule: {
date: ISODate(),
timezone: "GMT+7"
location: {
place: "Jogjakarta Digital Valley",
url: {
link: "https://eventhunt.co/event/1"
createdAt: ISODate(),