Abandoned Object Detection System elg_developement
./datasets (containing input video files of each dataset, as well as GT and mask images)
./lib (3rd party SW and libraries)
./proj (containing Qt project files)
./results (containing results oredered by configurations)
./src (source code)
- Three EXECUTION ways:
// 1: bkg subtraction method
// 2: sfgd method
// 3: classifier method
// 4: people detector method
// 5: video file directory
// 6: results folder
// 7: seconds to static
// 8: flag near people
// 9: flag context masks
1: With .sh script "Run_AODSystem.sh" located in root by just executing ./Run_AODSystem.sh
2: By terminal command. Executable are placed in build_release and build_debug, respectively.
- e.g. >> /System_Evaluation 2 1 1 1 ./../videos/AVSS_corto.mov ./../results/ 30 1 1
- If no input arguments, default settings will be used
3: By using a programming enviroment (Qt Creator or others)
- All input arguments are set/modified in the main script