Releases: elytra/FruitPhone
v2.84 (1.12.2)
This mod is open source and under a permissive license. All Elytra mods are,
and as such, can be included in any modpack on any platform without prior
permission. We appreciate hearing about people using our mods, but you do not
need to ask to use them. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- A lot of bugfixes.
v2.75 (1.12)
This mod is open source and under a permissive license. All Elytra mods are,
and as such, can be included in any modpack on any platform without prior
permission. We appreciate hearing about people using our mods, but you do not
need to ask to use them. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Updated to 1.12 by @darkevilmac
- Change versioning scheme
You must also install ProbeDataProviderAPI.
v0.1.7 (1.11.2)
This mod is open source and under a permissive license. All Elytra mods are,
and as such, can be included in any modpack on any platform without prior
permission. We appreciate hearing about people using our mods, but you do not
need to ask to use them. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Add Fruit Contacts, a variant of Fruit Glass that is invisible.
- Fix spinner showing up on servers that lack the mod
- Fix ever expanding boxes
- Fix crashes with the Chest preview mode in the glasses configure GUI
- Split overwriteWaila into showWailaInformation and disableWaila
- Turn off disableWaila automatically after first launch
- Fix glasses not resyncing when changing dimensions
- Fix losing your glasses when leaving the End
- Fix blocks with no pickblock showing up as Air
You must also install ProbeDataProviderAPI.
v0.1.7 (1.10.2)
This mod is open source and under a permissive license. All Elytra mods are,
and as such, can be included in any modpack on any platform without prior
permission. We appreciate hearing about people using our mods, but you do not
need to ask to use them. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Add Fruit Contacts, a variant of Fruit Glass that is invisible.
- Fix spinner showing up on servers that lack the mod
- Fix ever expanding boxes
- Fix crashes with the Chest preview mode in the glasses configure GUI
- Split overwriteWaila into showWailaInformation and disableWaila
- Turn off disableWaila automatically after first launch
- Fix glasses not resyncing when changing dimensions
- Fix losing your glasses when leaving the End
You must also install ProbeDataProviderAPI.
v0.1.7 (1.7.10)
This mod is open source and under a permissive license. All Elytra mods are,
and as such, can be included in any modpack on any platform without prior
permission. We appreciate hearing about people using our mods, but you do not
need to ask to use them. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Add Fruit Contacts, a variant of Fruit Glass that is invisible.
- Fix spinner showing up on servers that lack the mod
- Fix ever expanding boxes
- Fix crashes with the Chest preview mode in the glasses configure GUI
- Split overwriteWaila into showWailaInformation and disableWaila
- Turn off disableWaila automatically after first launch
- Add synthesizeProbeInformation config setting
- Fix glasses not resyncing when changing dimensions
- Fix losing your glasses when leaving the End
All dependencies are included.
v0.1.4 (1.11.2)
- Fix crashes when looking at blocks from poorly coded mods
- Fix derp from porting 1.10.2 code improperly
You must also install ProbeDataProviderAPI.
v0.1.6 (1.10.2)
- Fix log spam when a player is nearby that is not wearing glasses
You must also install ProbeDataProviderAPI.
v0.1.5 (1.10.2)
- Fix crashes from looking at blocks from poorly coded mods
- Fix crashes from looking at blocks with no pickblock item
- Fix crash when using the Power Drill while not wearing glasses
You must also install ProbeDataProviderAPI.
v0.1.6 (1.7.10)
- Fix log spam when a player is nearby that is not wearing glasses
All dependencies are included.
v0.1.5 (1.7.10)
- Initial 1.7.10 release
- Pads and phones are just crafting items right now, debating the best way to integrate them into 1.7 where there's no offhand slot
All dependencies are included.