Restful service for browsing files from HDFS or Tachyon.
You need to have maven installed. To build, follow the steps below:
cd hdfs-tachyon-file-browser/
mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd target
tar -zxvf hdfs-tachyon-file-browser.tar.gz
To configure the hdfs-tachyon-file-browser you have to edit the following files inside the conf folder.
* application.conf: Contains all the application configurations.
* : Used for configuring the logger
The application.conf file contains two configurations: one for tunning spray (spray.can.server) and one for setting application preferences (appConf). You will find more details for each property inside the file.
After editing all the configuration files, run the file browser in the following manner:
1. go where you decompressed the tar.gz file:
cd hdfs-tachyon-file-browser/
2. run:
nohup bin/ &
curl 'devbox.local:8181/file-browser/index' -X GET
Results: You will receive the following confirmation message that the hdfs-tachyon-file-browser is up and running:
"File browser is up and running!"
curl 'http://devbox.local:8181/file-browser/listFiles?routePath=tachyon://devbox.local:19998/user/ubuntu' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:8181/file-browser/listFiles?routePath=hdfs://devbox.local:19998/user/ubuntu' -X GET
- routePath [required] : the path to the hdfs/tachyon folder you want to list the files for
The api returns the list of subfolders and files for the provided directory. For each entry, there is a "isFolder" flag to specify if the entry is a folder or a file.
"parentPath": "/user/ubuntu",
"files": [{
"name": "folder1",
"isFolder": true
}, {
"name": "folder2",
"isFolder": true
}, {
"name": "file1",
"isFolder": false