Swiper is a simple tile-swiping tvOS game. It is/was a side project for me to learn more about UIKit as applied to the tvOS interface, SceneKit, Swift, storyboards, and a few other technologies I don't get the chance to use in my day job.
The basic game engine works and is unit-tested. There are currently 3 game modes, easy, intermediate, and hard that vary the number of tiles the user is required to move.
There is also support for selecting a "theme", or set of pictures that the game picks from at random. This was intended to be walled used as an in-app purchase mechanism to make money.
Building a house/life got in the way of me finishing this project in a timely manner, so I'm putting it on github in case anyone else finds the methods and techniques used to build a tile-swiping game useful.
The source is all freely available under the MIT license. All I ask is that you let me know if you use it in a commercial setting.
The image assets (photos) are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND terms. (Attribution, Noncommercial, NoDerivatives)