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HTTP Storage Driver

1. Configuration Reference

Name Type Default Value Description
storage-net-http-headers Map { "Connection" : "keep-alive", "Date": "#{date:formatNowRfc1123()}%{date:formatNowRfc1123()}", "User-Agent" : "mongoose-storage-driver-http/4.2.6" } Custom HTTP headers section. A user may place here a key-value pair which will be used as HTTP header. The headers will be appended to every HTTP request issued.
storage-net-http-uri-args Map {} Custom URI query arguments according RFC 2396.The headers will be appended to every HTTP request issued.
storage-net-http-read-metadata-only Map false specifies whether Mongoose issues GET request or HEAD. HEAD is used when enabled.

2. Custom HTTP Headers

Scenario example:

var customHttpHeadersConfig = {
    "storage" : {
        "net" : {
            "http" : {
                "headers" : {
                    "header-name-0" : "header_value_0",
                    "header-name-1" : "header_value_1",
                    // ...
                    "header-name-N" : "header_value_N"



Don't use the command line arguments for the custom HTTP headers setting.

2.1. Expressions

Scenario example, note both the parameterized header name and value:

var varHttpHeadersConfig = {
    "storage" : {
        "net" : {
            "http" : {
                "headers" : {
                    "x-amz-meta-${math:random(30) + 1}" : "${date:format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ").format(date:from(rnd.nextLong(time:millisSinceEpoch())))}"


3. Custom URI Arguments

Custom URI query arguments may be set in the same way as custom HTTP headers.

var uriQueryConfig = {
    "storage" : {
        "net" : {
            "http" : {
                "uri" : {
                    "args" : {
                        "foo": "bar",
                        "key1" : "val1"


will produce the HTTP requests with URIs like: /20190306.104255.627/kticoxcknpuy?key1=val1&foo=bar


Don't use the command line arguments for the custom HTTP URI query arguments setting.

3.1. Expressions


var uriQueryConfig = {
    "storage" : {
        "net" : {
            "http" : {
                "uri" : {
                    "args" : {
                        "foo${rnd.nextInt()}" : "bar${time:millisSinceEpoch()}",
                        "key1" : "${date:formatNowIso8601()}",
                        "${e}" : "${pi}"


will produce the HTTP requests with URIs like: /20190306.104255.627/kticoxcknpuy?key1=2019-03-06T10:42:56,768&2.718281828459045=3.141592653589793&foo1130828259=bar1551868976768


Don't use both synchronous and asynchronous expressions for the query args simultaneously. All configured query args are collected into the single expression input.