The eMERGE 4 Network is leveraging the R4 system, developed by the Coordinating Center at Vanderbilt University, to manage data collection, GIRA generation, and results delivery for sites. R4 is a heavily customized version of REDCap, and as such makes the REDCap API available for integration with external systems, task automation, and extending R4's capabilities.
The Hackathon's shared drive (slides, etc) is located here.
We are currently asking for sites to propose use cases that they either have solved, or need a solution for. We will track these within this repository's Issues. If you are interested in an existing use case, either needing it solved or desiring to work on solving it, please add a comment or 👍 within the issue. Don't see a use case? Please add one.
The exact date and times of events are being scheduled, but the hackathon will be structured with the following events. There is no requirement to attend every session, and participants are free to come and go as they please throughout any of the events.
- Pre-Hackathon Friday, 6/10/2022 1:00 - 2:00pm CT
- 1 hour - introduction to REDCap API (Firas Wehbe, Northwestern)
- This session will be an introduction to the REDCap API, how it works, and how to interact with it using code. This is being scheduled ahead of the main hackathon event so developers who need an introduction to the REDCap API have some time to practice what they learned before the event.
- 1 hour - introduction to REDCap API (Firas Wehbe, Northwestern)
- Hackathon: Tuesday, 6/14/2022 1:00 - 5:00pm CT
- 1:00-2:00 - Existing projects, requests for help
- This session will include presentations from sites who may have started or completed some R4 API integration. In addition to giving an overview of the code, the presenter should have a specific ask of participants. This may be asking for sites who want to implement their code, or requests to develop/extend features during the hackathon.
- 2:00-4:00 - hands-on hacking
- The main event! We will have separate Zoom rooms (either breakout rooms or separate Zoom sessions) where groups may join to collaboratively work on a task. Attendees can feel free to switch rooms during the hackathon.
- 4:00-5:00 - report out
- Report out from each of the groups on progress made, challenges encountered, and next steps
- 1:00-2:00 - Existing projects, requests for help
Taking from Wikipedia, with emphasis added and links removed.
"The goal of a hackathon is to create functioning software or hardware by the end of the event. Hackathons tend to have a specific focus, which can include the programming language used, the operating system, an application, an API, or the subject and the demographic group of the programmers. In other cases, there is no restriction on the type of software being created." 1
The purpose of the eMERGE 4 Hackathon is to integrate with R4 via the REDCap API, using any programming language and approach. Our hope is to give sites dedicated time to work on creating solutions, identifying groups who could possibly create a commonly shared code base, or at least develop a shared solution even if sites require implementations in different programming languages.
While the purpose of a hackathons is to "create functioning software", that does not mean only programmers should attend. Hackathons benefit from the input of domain experts, stakeholders, usability experts, and more. Anyone within eMERGE 4 who is interested in a particular topic/use case is encouraged to participate.
Really that depends on the use case, the group interested in it, and what needs to be done. The group may work on individual features for a common code base, then submit the changes. For others, you may share a common use case but need to be developing the solution using different technologies/programming languages. Being in the group gives you an audience to bounce ideas off of and ask for help. This is also why it's helpful to have non-developers in these sessions. A research coordinator may be able to give you feedback that they really need some type of workflow supported that may change how software is written.
Generating a repository of code is not actually a requirement for this hackathon. In the course of evaluating a use case, for example, you may realize that the solution can be done entirely within REDCap. For example, if a project manager needs some additional analytics/tracking data, the group may determine this can be done entirely within a REDCap report.
Your group may generate documentation or guidelines, such as enhancing SOPs, or developing an FAQ for bulk uploading data.
🎯 The main goal is to solve a problem identified in a specific use case. 🎯
We want to encourage groups to make their code available as a repository on the eMERGE EHRI GitHub organization. This is not a requirement for participating. We understand that there may be reasons for code not to be made publicly available. If you would like to share code with just eMERGE sites, you can always set the GitHub repository to "private".
No. Members of your group can help, or you can work with Luke Rasmussen if you need assistance with getting things put in GitHub.