The results are on: Codalab.
Additional runs and participation is possible on another Codalab page.
Details of the systems submitted: The detailed system desctiptions are in the proceedings.
The follow-up event: CASE 2022
Information and data related to the Socio-political and Crisis Events Detection shared task at CASE @ ACL-IJCNLP 2021 workshop. The detailed description of the task can be found in this file. The tasks are
- Task 1: Multilingual protest news detection (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi)
- Subtask 1: Document classification
- Subtask 2: Sentence classification
- Subtask 3: Event sentence coreference identification
- Subtask 4: Event extraction - Task 2: Fine-grained classification of Socio-political events
- Task 3: Discovering Black Lives Matter events in the United States
Please find the code and data samples and the submission formats in the task1, task2, and task3 folders.
- Task 1: Please sign the application form and send it to Ali Hürriyetoğlu ( The training data has been available since March 14, 2021.
- Task 2: For the training purposes one can use event-related textual data of any kind, where we recommend considering exploiting the short text snippets reporting events which are part of the large event dataset created by ACLED (, and which can be obtained from ACLED using this web page: for academic purposes. Please send an e-mail to Nicolas Stefanovitch as soon as possible if you intend to work on this task.
- Task 3: There is not any training data for this task. The data utilized for tasks 2 and 3 or any additional data can be used to build systems/models that can determine Black Lives Matter (BLM) events in tweets and news articles. The tweet collection that will be processed by the participants is collected using BLM specific hashtags.
- Annotation manual for task 1 and task 3 are here.
- Annotation manuals, ACLED, for task 2 are here.
- This shared task is a continuation of the shared tasks CLEF 2019 Lab Protest News, and event sentence coreference identification task at AESPEN @ LREC 2020
Please reach us using the following e-mail addresses for anything you may think we can support you: Ali Hürriyetoğlu, (Task 1 and Task 3 and any other issue), Nicolas Stefanovitch (Task 2), Salvatore Giorgi, (Task 3, collecting an on the ground events list and using the tweet collection).
This repository is being updated continuosly.
Release of training data for Task 1: March 14, 2021, Task 2: already available
Registration deadline: April 30, 2021
Release of test data for all tasks to registered participants: May 4 2021
Submission of system responses: Task 2: May 8, 2021 (12:00 CET), Task 1: May 9 (AoE), Task 3: May 10 (AoE)
Results announced to participants: Task 2: May 10 (AoE), Task 1: May 10 (AoE), Task 3: May 12 (AoE)
Shared Task Papers Due: May 21, 2021
Notification of Acceptance: May 28, 2021
Camera-ready papers due: June 7, 2021
CASE 2021 Workshop (presentation of the ST results): August 5-6, 2021
All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (anywhere on Earth) and in the year 2021, unless otherwise stated above.