package main
import (
// go run main.go | dot -Tpng > test.png && open test.png
func main() {
g := dot.NewGraph(dot.Directed)
n1 := g.Node("coding")
n2 := g.Node("testing a little").Box()
g.Edge(n1, n2)
g.Edge(n2, n1, "back").Attr("color", "red")
digraph {
node [label="coding"]; n1;
node [label="testing a little",shape="box"]; n2;
n1 -> n2;
n2 -> n1 [color="red", label="back"];
Chaining edges
A -> B -> C
D <-> E
s := g.Subgraph("cluster")
s.Attr("style", "filled")
g := dot.NewGraph(dot.Directed)
g.NodeInitializer(func(n dot.Node) {
n.Attr("shape", "rectangle")
n.Attr("fontname", "arial")
n.Attr("style", "rounded,filled")
g.EdgeInitializer(func(e dot.Edge) {
e.Attr("fontname", "arial")
e.Attr("fontsize", "9")
e.Attr("arrowsize", "0.8")
e.Attr("arrowhead", "open")
HTML and Literal values
node.Attr("label", Literal(`"left-justified text\l"`))
graph.Attr("label", HTML("<B>Hi</B>"))
di := dot.NewGraph(dot.Directed)
outside := di.Node("Outside")
// A
clusterA := di.Subgraph("Cluster A", dot.ClusterOption{})
insideOne := clusterA.Node("one")
insideTwo := clusterA.Node("two")
// B
clusterB := di.Subgraph("Cluster B", dot.ClusterOption{})
insideThree := clusterB.Node("three")
insideFour := clusterB.Node("four")
// edges
See also ext/Subsystem
type for creating composition hierarchies.
See record_test.go#ExampleNode_NewRecordBuilder
go run main.go | dot -Tpng > test.png && open test.png
Output a dot Graph using the mermaid syntax. Only Graph and Flowchart are supported. See MermaidGraph and MermaidFlowchart.
g := dot.NewGraph(dot.Directed)
fmt.Println(dot.MermaidGraph(g, dot.MermaidTopToBottom))
flowchart LR;n8-->n3;subgraph one;n2("a1");n3("a2");n2-->n3;end;subgraph three;n8("c1");n9("c2");n8-->n9;end;subgraph two;n5("b1");n6("b2");n5-->n6;end;
attr | type | description |
link | Edge | examples are {-->,-.->,--x,o--o} |
shape | Node | examples are {MermaidShapeRound,MermaidShapeCircle,MermaidShapeTrapezoid} |
style | Node | example is fill:#90EE90 |
See also package dot/dotx
for types that can help in constructing complex graphs.
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
(c) 2015-2023, MIT License.