Clustering Validation and Analysis
Different Types of Cluster Validity Indecies:
- External Indecies: comparing the clustering results with the a priori known clusters
- Internal indecies: measuring the quality of clusterings without comparing to any other clustering solution
- Relative indecies: comparing the clustering results obtained from different algorithms, or dissimilarity measures
- Purity
- NMI (Normalized Mutual Information - information theoretic)
- MCC (Mathew's Correlation Coefficient)
- Silhouette Index
- Davis-Bouldin Index
- Calinski-Harabasz Index
- Dunn Index
- RMSSTD Index
- Gap Statistic (finding the number of clusters)
- Cosine Similarity or Correlation
- Matching Coefficient
- Jaccard Coefficient
- Falls within the category of internal indecies
- Separability and compactness of clusters
Measuring te quality of clusterings by calculating the intra-cluster and inter-cluster distances.
Example: Internal Validity
import numpy as np
from valclust.InternalValidity import PairwiseDistanceSampler as pds
d1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[-1,1], cov=[[1, 0],[0, 1]], size=3)
d2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[2,-2], cov=[[1, 0],[0, 1]], size=4)
d = np.vstack((d1, d2))
y = np.array([1,1,1, 2,2,2,2])
sam_obj = pds(d, y) # sampler object
# distance among points within cluster 1
ds1_intra = sam_obj.intra_sampler(1, size=None)
# distance bwtween points from cluster 1 and the rest
ds1_inter = sam_obj.inter_sampler(1, size=None)
>>> ds1_intra
array([ 0. , 2.46500264, 0. ])
>>> ds1_inter
array([ 4.17855077, 5.17794181, 5.176349 , 7.17877856, 4.17855077,
4.11556509, 6.43752761, 5.17794181, 7.17877856, 4.78430904,
7.53358227, 7.17877856])
Example: External Validaity Indecies
import numpy as np
import valclust
import valclust.ExternalValidity as EV
y = np.array([1,1,1,2,2,2,2,-1])
g = np.array([5,5,5,7,7,9,9,2])
obj = EV.CompareCluster(X=None, y=y)
for i in np.unique(y):
res = obj.clusterPurity(i, g)
print("Purity for cluster %d ==> %.4f"%(i, res))
Purity for cluster -1 ==> 1.0000
Purity for cluster 1 ==> 1.0000
Purity for cluster 2 ==> 0.5000