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refactor: use [Outside_build_dir.t]
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Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>

ps-id: 0b6059b1-b94a-4e8a-9e1c-68f9e86ea427
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rgrinberg committed Aug 25, 2022
1 parent 02f3b27 commit 7ce9e8e
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Showing 20 changed files with 208 additions and 101 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions otherlibs/stdune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -546,6 +546,25 @@ module Outside_build_dir = struct
| External x -> External (External.relative x (Local.to_string y))

let to_string_maybe_quoted t = String.maybe_quoted (to_string t)

let equal (x : t) (y : t) =
match (x, y) with
| External x, External y -> External.equal x y
| External _, In_source_dir _ -> false
| In_source_dir x, In_source_dir y -> Local.equal x y
| In_source_dir _, External _ -> false

let hash = Poly.hash

let parent = function
| In_source_dir t -> (
match Local.parent t with
| None -> None
| Some s -> Some (In_source_dir s))
| External t -> (
match External.parent t with
| None -> None
| Some s -> Some (External s))

module Permissions = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -904,6 +923,22 @@ let as_in_source_tree_exn t =
"[as_in_source_tree_exn] called on something not in source tree"
[ ("t", to_dyn t) ]

let as_outside_build_dir_exn : t -> Outside_build_dir.t = function
| In_source_tree s -> In_source_dir s
| External s -> External s
| In_build_dir path ->
Code_error.raise "as_outside_build_dir_exn" [ ("path", Build.to_dyn path) ]

let destruct_build_dir :
t -> [ `Inside of Build.t | `Outside of Outside_build_dir.t ] = function
| In_source_tree p -> `Outside (In_source_dir p)
| External s -> `Outside (External s)
| In_build_dir s -> `Inside s

let outside_build_dir : Outside_build_dir.t -> t = function
| In_source_dir d -> In_source_tree d
| External s -> External s

let as_in_build_dir = function
| In_build_dir b -> Some b
| In_source_tree _ | External _ -> None
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions otherlibs/stdune/path.mli
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Expand Up @@ -139,9 +139,19 @@ module Outside_build_dir : sig
| External of External.t
| In_source_dir of Source.t

val hash : t -> int

val equal : t -> t -> bool

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t

val of_string : string -> t

val to_string : t -> string

val to_string_maybe_quoted : t -> string

val parent : t -> t option

module Build : sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,6 +226,13 @@ type t = private

include Path_intf.S with type t := t

val as_outside_build_dir_exn : t -> Outside_build_dir.t

val destruct_build_dir :
t -> [ `Inside of Build.t | `Outside of Outside_build_dir.t ]

val outside_build_dir : Outside_build_dir.t -> t

val hash : t -> int

(** [to_string_maybe_quoted t] is [maybe_quoted (to_string t)] *)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune_engine/
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Expand Up @@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ let load_dune_project ~dir opam_packages ~dir_status : t Memo.t =
let file = Path.Source.relative dir filename in
let open Memo.O in
let* f =
Fs_memo.with_lexbuf_from_file (Path.source file) ~f:(fun lexbuf ->
Fs_memo.with_lexbuf_from_file (In_source_dir file) ~f:(fun lexbuf ->
parse_contents lexbuf ~f:(fun lang ->
parse ~dir ~lang ~file ~dir_status))
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56 changes: 34 additions & 22 deletions src/dune_engine/
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Expand Up @@ -13,15 +13,16 @@ module Watcher : sig
directly if there is no parent. This is an optimisation that allows us to
reduce the number of watched paths: typically, the number of directories is
a lot smaller than the number of files. *)
val watch : try_to_watch_via_parent:bool -> Path.t -> unit Memo.t
val watch :
try_to_watch_via_parent:bool -> Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> unit Memo.t

(* Invalidate a path after receiving an event from the file watcher. *)
val invalidate : Path.t -> Memo.Invalidation.t
val invalidate : Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> Memo.Invalidation.t
end = struct
(* A record of a call to [watch] made while the file watcher was missing. *)
type watch_record =
{ accessed_path : Path.t
; path_to_watch : Path.t
{ accessed_path : Path.Outside_build_dir.t
; path_to_watch : Path.Outside_build_dir.t

(* CR-someday amokhov: We should try to simplify the initialisation of the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ end = struct
({ accessed_path; path_to_watch } :: watch_records)
| No_file_watcher -> ()
| File_watcher dune_file_watcher ->
let path_to_watch = Path.outside_build_dir path_to_watch in
watch_path dune_file_watcher path_to_watch

(* This comment applies to both memoization tables below.
Expand All @@ -108,32 +110,31 @@ end = struct
on every computation is sometimes necessary. *)
let memo_for_watching_directly =
Memo.create "fs_memo_for_watching_directly"
~input:(module Path)
~input:(module Path.Outside_build_dir)
(fun accessed_path ->
watch_or_record_path ~accessed_path ~path_to_watch:accessed_path;
Memo.return ())

let memo_for_watching_via_parent =
Memo.create "fs_memo_for_watching_via_parent"
~input:(module Path)
~input:(module Path.Outside_build_dir)
(fun accessed_path ->
let path_to_watch =
Option.value (Path.parent accessed_path) ~default:accessed_path
(Path.Outside_build_dir.parent accessed_path)
watch_or_record_path ~accessed_path ~path_to_watch;
Memo.return ())

let watch ~try_to_watch_via_parent path =
if Path.is_in_build_dir path then
Code_error.raise " called on a build path"
[ ("path", Path.to_dyn path) ];
match try_to_watch_via_parent with
| false -> Memo.exec memo_for_watching_directly path
| true -> Memo.exec memo_for_watching_via_parent path

module Update_all = Monoid.Function (Path) (Fs_cache.Update_result)

let update_all : Path.t -> Fs_cache.Update_result.t =
let update_all : Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> Fs_cache.Update_result.t =
let update t path =
let result = Fs_cache.update t path in
if !Clflags.debug_fs_cache then
Expand All @@ -146,11 +147,13 @@ end = struct
let all =
[ update Fs_cache.Untracked.path_stat
; update Fs_cache.Untracked.file_digest
; update Fs_cache.Untracked.dir_contents
fun p -> Update_all.reduce all (Path.outside_build_dir p)

(* CR-someday amokhov: We share Memo tables for tracking different file-system
operations. This saves some memory, but leads to recomputing more memoized
Expand All @@ -161,13 +164,16 @@ end = struct
match update_all path with
| Skipped | Updated { changed = false } -> Memo.Invalidation.empty
| Updated { changed = true } ->
let reason : Memo.Invalidation.Reason.t =
Path_changed (Path.outside_build_dir path)
(Memo.cell memo_for_watching_directly path)
~reason:(Path_changed path))
(Memo.cell memo_for_watching_via_parent path)
~reason:(Path_changed path))

let init ~dune_file_watcher =
match !state with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,6 +202,7 @@ end = struct
state := File_watcher watcher;
Memo.Invalidation.map_reduce watch_records
~f:(fun { accessed_path; path_to_watch } ->
let path_to_watch = Path.outside_build_dir path_to_watch in
watch_path watcher path_to_watch;
invalidate accessed_path))
Expand All @@ -207,7 +214,9 @@ end
and re-traversed/re-watched again. *)
let path_stat path =
let* () = ~try_to_watch_via_parent:true path in
match Fs_cache.Untracked.path_stat path with
match Fs_cache.Untracked.path_stat (Path.outside_build_dir path)
| Ok { st_dev = _; st_ino = _; st_kind } as result when st_kind = S_DIR ->
(* If [path] is a directory, we conservatively watch it directly too,
because its stats may change in a way that doesn't trigger an event in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,15 +279,17 @@ let dir_exists path =
of [file_digest] seems error-prone. We may need to rethink this decision. *)
let file_digest ?(force_update = false) path =
if force_update then (
let path = Path.outside_build_dir path in
Cached_digest.Untracked.invalidate_cached_timestamp path;
Fs_cache.evict Fs_cache.Untracked.file_digest path);
let+ () = ~try_to_watch_via_parent:true path in Fs_cache.Untracked.file_digest path Fs_cache.Untracked.file_digest (Path.outside_build_dir path)

let dir_contents ?(force_update = false) path =
if force_update then Fs_cache.evict Fs_cache.Untracked.dir_contents path;
if force_update then
Fs_cache.evict Fs_cache.Untracked.dir_contents (Path.outside_build_dir path);
let+ () = ~try_to_watch_via_parent:false path in Fs_cache.Untracked.dir_contents path Fs_cache.Untracked.dir_contents (Path.outside_build_dir path)

(* CR-someday amokhov: For now, we do not cache the result of this operation
because the result's type depends on [f]. There are only two call sites of
Expand All @@ -290,23 +301,23 @@ let tracking_file_digest path =
be recorded in the [Fs_cache.Untracked.file_digest], so the build will be
restarted if the digest changes. *)
let (_ : Cached_digest.Digest_result.t) = Fs_cache.Untracked.file_digest path Fs_cache.Untracked.file_digest (Path.outside_build_dir path)

let with_lexbuf_from_file path ~f =
let+ () = tracking_file_digest path in
Io.Untracked.with_lexbuf_from_file path ~f
Io.Untracked.with_lexbuf_from_file (Path.outside_build_dir path) ~f

let file_contents path =
let+ () = tracking_file_digest path in
Io.read_file path
Io.read_file (Path.outside_build_dir path)

(* When a file or directory is created or deleted, we need to also invalidate
the parent directory, so that the [dir_contents] queries are re-executed. *)
let invalidate_path_and_its_parent path =
Memo.Invalidation.combine (Watcher.invalidate path)
(match Path.parent path with
(match Path.Outside_build_dir.parent path with
| None -> Memo.Invalidation.empty
| Some path -> Watcher.invalidate path)

Expand All @@ -326,6 +337,7 @@ let invalidate_path_and_its_parent path =
directory should be added to or removed from the result. *)
let handle_fs_event ({ kind; path } : Dune_file_watcher.Fs_memo_event.t) :
Memo.Invalidation.t =
let path = Path.as_outside_build_dir_exn path in
match kind with
| File_changed -> Watcher.invalidate path
| Created | Deleted | Unknown -> invalidate_path_and_its_parent path
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27 changes: 15 additions & 12 deletions src/dune_engine/fs_memo.mli
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to be invalidated because they were accessed before [init] was called. *)
val init : dune_file_watcher:Dune_file_watcher.t option -> Memo.Invalidation.t

(** All functions in this module raise a code error when given a path in the
build directory. *)

(** Check if a source or external file exists and declare a dependency on it. *)
val file_exists : Path.t -> bool Memo.t
val file_exists : Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> bool Memo.t

(** Check if a source or external directory exists and declare a dependency on
it. *)
val dir_exists : Path.t -> bool Memo.t
val dir_exists : Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> bool Memo.t

val is_directory : Path.t -> (bool, Unix_error.Detailed.t) result Memo.t
val is_directory :
Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> (bool, Unix_error.Detailed.t) result Memo.t

(** Call [Path.stat] on a path and declare a dependency on it. *)
val path_stat :
Path.t -> (Fs_cache.Reduced_stats.t, Unix_error.Detailed.t) result Memo.t
-> (Fs_cache.Reduced_stats.t, Unix_error.Detailed.t) result Memo.t

(** Like [path_stat] but extracts the [st_kind] field from the result. *)
val path_kind : Path.t -> (File_kind.t, Unix_error.Detailed.t) result Memo.t
val path_kind :
Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> (File_kind.t, Unix_error.Detailed.t) result Memo.t

(** Digest the contents of a source or external file and declare a dependency on
it. When [force_update = true], evict the file from all digest caches and
Expand All @@ -30,13 +30,16 @@ val path_kind : Path.t -> (File_kind.t, Unix_error.Detailed.t) result Memo.t
is about to be invalidated by an incoming file-system event. By not using
the cache in this situation, it's possible to avoid unnecessary restarts. *)
val file_digest :
?force_update:bool -> Path.t -> Cached_digest.Digest_result.t Memo.t
-> Path.Outside_build_dir.t
-> Cached_digest.Digest_result.t Memo.t

(** Like [Io.Untracked.with_lexbuf_from_file] but declares a dependency on the
path. *)
val with_lexbuf_from_file : Path.t -> f:(Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a) -> 'a Memo.t
val with_lexbuf_from_file :
Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> f:(Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a) -> 'a Memo.t

val file_contents : Path.t -> string Memo.t
val file_contents : Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> string Memo.t

(** Read the contents of a source or external directory and declare a dependency
on it. When [force_update = true], evict the directory from the file-system
Expand All @@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ val file_contents : Path.t -> string Memo.t
restarts. *)
val dir_contents :
-> Path.t
-> Path.Outside_build_dir.t
-> (Fs_cache.Dir_contents.t, Unix_error.Detailed.t) result Memo.t

(** Handle file system event. *)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/dune_engine/
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ let load_sexps ~context:{ current_file; include_stack } (loc, fn) =
let dir = Path.Source.parent_exn current_file in
let current_file = Path.Source.relative dir fn in
let open Memo.O in
let* exists = Fs_memo.file_exists (Path.source current_file) in
let* exists = Fs_memo.file_exists (In_source_dir current_file) in
if not exists then
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.textf "File %s doesn't exist."
Expand All @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let load_sexps ~context:{ current_file; include_stack } (loc, fn) =
Path.Source.equal f current_file)
then error { current_file; include_stack };
let+ sexps =
Path.source current_file
|> Fs_memo.with_lexbuf_from_file ~f:(Dune_lang.Parser.parse ~mode:Many)
Fs_memo.with_lexbuf_from_file (In_source_dir current_file)
~f:(Dune_lang.Parser.parse ~mode:Many)
(sexps, { current_file; include_stack })

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