How to run this program:
This program needs to be passed a command line argument containing the path of a file that contains the graph data. I included a sample file called graph.txt with my submission that contains the example data from the prompt. If you run this program in Visual Studio, open the RoutePlanner.cs file, go to Debug > Trains Properties and add the path of graph.txt to the Command Line Arguments text box, in quotes.
To get the desired input, your input string needs to have a flag character to let the program know what type of output to produce.
p - total distance of exact path given example: A-B-C p; A-D p; A-D-C p; a-e-b-c-d P; A-E-D p
m - how many routes between two towns have a max number of stops that is the number given example: C-C m 3
x - how many routes between two towns have the exact number of stops as the number given example: A-C x 4
l - how many routes between two towns have length less than the number given example: C-C l 30
s- finds the shortest route between two given towns examples: A-C s; B-B s
- Optimizations and Things to Improve:
Comments in files for assumtions and TODO statements of some of the optimizations I would have liked to make to this program given more time. Besides the ones noted, such as implementing Dijkstra's single-source shortest path algorithm for finding the shortest path between two towns, the main things I would have liked to improve would be splitting up the unit tests and user input parsing function into smaller functions, creating objects to pass parameters into the functions that calculate results to simplify them, and optimising the townCharToInt() and townIntToChar() functions by converting them into hash tables, and a few other things.