The ox_cache
package is a collection of tools for fast, thread-safe, and
flexible caching or memoizing of results. In particular, ox_cache
designed to make it easy to implement the quirks of your particular
caching needs.
For example, if you want to repopulate the entire cache when you get a
single cache miss, you can include the RefreshDictMixin
. Or if you
want to include least-recently-used semantics, you can include the
. Or if you want a timed expiration, you can use
the TimedExpiryMixin
The basic structure is that you create a sub-class of OxCacheBase
include appropriate mixins, and then define a way to get a new value
on a cache miss.
Some of the interesting features of ox_cache
- Flexible: You can mix and match mixins and overrides to easily get desired caching behavior.
- Memoization: Built-in decorators for function memoization.
- Dict-like: Dictionary methods such as
, anditems
are provided. - Thread-safe: All of the basic operations use threading.Lock().
- Thread-smart: Hooks and overridable methods are structured so that you can ignore threads in your customization but stay thread safe.
- Docs: Python docstrings are provided for every class and method.
- Unit tests: Source code comes with unit tests with very high code coverage.
Install with the usual
$ pip install ox_cache
The simplest way to use the cache is to create an instance of
OxCacheBase and use it like a dict as shown below but to really get
the power of ox_cache
, you will want to use mixins or overrides as
shown later.
>>> from ox_cache import OxCacheBase
>>> c = OxCacheBase() # trivial example of a cache
>>> c['foo'] = 5 # alternative:'foo', 5, **options)
>>> c['foo']
Of course, with the usage above you don't really get any benefits
beyond a standard dict. One convenient feature of ox_cache
is that
you can override the make_value
method to get a "smart cache". With
, when there is no value for a key, your cache will no how
to make that value.
To get a "smart cache" you simply sub-class OxCacheBase
and then
override desired methods. The only required method you must override
is the make_value
method to make the value when a key is not in the
cache. The following illustrates the simplest use case:
>>> from ox_cache import OxCacheBase
>>> class BasicCache(OxCacheBase):
... def make_value(self, key, **opts):
... 'Simple function to create value for requested key.'
... print('Calling refresh for key="%s"' % key)
... return 'x' * key # create a bunch of x's
>>> cache = BasicCache()
>>> cache.get(5) # Will call make_value to generate 1st value.
Calling refresh for key="5"
>>> cache.get(5) # Will get value from cache without calling make_value
You can get more interesting cache features by including mixins. The
following illustrate a simple example where we include the
so that cache entries expire after a set amount of
>>> from ox_cache import OxCacheBase, TimedExpiryMixin
>>> class TimedCache(TimedExpiryMixin, OxCacheBase):
... 'Cache which expires items after after self.expiry_seconds.'
... def make_value(self, key, **opts):
... 'Simple function to create value for requested key.'
... print('Calling refresh for key="%s"' % key)
... return 'key="%s" is fun!' % key
>>> cache = TimedCache(expiry_seconds=100) # expires after 100 seconds
>>> cache.get('test') # Will call make_value to generate value.
Calling refresh for key="test"
'key="test" is fun!'
>>> cache.ttl('test') > 60 # Check time to live is pretty long
>>> cache.get('test') # If called immediately, will use cached item
'key="test" is fun!'
>>> cache.expiry_seconds = 1 # Change expiration time to be much faster
>>> import time; time.sleep(1.1) # Wait a few seconds for cache item to expire
>>> cache.get('test') # Will generate a new value since time limit expired
Calling refresh for key="test"
'key="test" is fun!'
In addition to the get
method illustrated above, a few other methods
you may find useful include:
: Return the time-to-live for a key.expired
: Return whether the cache entry for a key has expired.delete
: Remove an entry from the cache.clean
: Go through the entire cache and remove expired elements.exists
: Check if an element is in the cache (possibly expired).
For more sophisticated caching you can use more mix-ins or override
the desired functions. See the docs for the OxCacheBase
class in the
source code or in the following documentation sections.
Note that if you want to keep things as simple as possible, you don't
have to override make_value
if using the TimedExpiryMixin
but can
just use the store
method as shown below:
>>> import time
>>> from ox_cache import OxCacheBase, TimedExpiryMixin
>>> class MyCache(TimedExpiryMixin, OxCacheBase):
... 'Cache with timed expiry'
>>> cache = MyCache() # Create an instance
>>> cache.expiry_seconds = 1 # make refresh time very short
>>>'foo', 'blah')
>>> cache.get('foo')
>>> time.sleep(1.5) # sleep so that cache becomes stale
>>> try: # Attempt to get stale item 'foo'
... cache.get('foo') # will cause an exception
... except: # since make_value not defined
... print("unable to get 'foo'")
unable to get 'foo'
To memoize (cache) function calls you can use something like
the OxMemoizer
as a function decorator as shown in the example below:
>>> from ox_cache import OxMemoizer
>>> @OxMemoizer
... def my_func(x, y):
... 'Add two inputs'
... z = x + y
... print('called my_func(%s, %s) = %s' % (x, y, z))
... return z
>>> my_func(1, 2) # This will actually call the function.
called my_func(1, 2) = 3
>>> my_func(1, 2) # This will use a cached value.
Since OxMemoizer
is just a sub-class of OxCacheBase
you can use
one of the provided mixins to control expiration or just use something
like the LRUReplacementMemoizer
. As shown below, setting the
property of an instance of LRUReplacementMemoizer
automatically kick out least recently used cache entries when the
cache gets too large.
>>> from ox_cache import LRUReplacementMemoizer
>>> @LRUReplacementMemoizer
... def my_func(x, y):
... 'Add two inputs'
... z = x + y
... print('called my_func(%s, %s) = %s' % (x, y, z))
... return z
>>> my_func(1, 2)
called my_func(1, 2) = 3
>>> my_func.max_size = 3
>>> data = [my_func(1, i) for i in range(4)]
called my_func(1, 0) = 1
called my_func(1, 1) = 2
called my_func(1, 3) = 4
>>> len(my_func), my_func.exists(1, 0) # Verify least recent item kicked out
(3, False)
If you wanted time based expiration, you could use TimedMemoizer
simply subclass OxMemoizer
and include mixins like
and/or TimedExpiryMixin
Note that since our memoizers are sub-classes of OxCacheBase
, you
can use any of the methods from OxCacheBase
as shown below:
>>> my_func.exists(1, 3)
>>> my_func.delete(1, 3)
>>> my_func.exists(1, 3)
The ox_cache package provides tools to build your own simple caching
system. The core class is OxCacheBase
which everything inherits
from. The only function which you must provide when you sub-class
is make_value
which defines how to create a value
which is not in the cache.
You can further customize how the cache works either by overriding
appropriate methods or by using one of the many mixins provided. For
example, the following illustrates how you can use the
and the RefreshDictMixin
to create a BatchCache
which updates the whole cache any time there is a cache miss:
>>> from ox_cache import OxCacheBase, TimedExpiryMixin, RefreshDictMixin
>>> class BatchCache(TimedExpiryMixin, RefreshDictMixin, OxCacheBase):
... 'Simple cache with time-based refresh via a function that gives dict'
... def make_dict(self, key):
... "Function to make dict to use to refresh cache."
... return {k: str(k) for k in ([key] + list(range(10)))}
>>> cache = BatchCache()
>>> = '5'
>>> cache.get(2) # will auto-refresh using make_dict
>>> cache.ttl(2) > 0
>>> = '6'
>>> cache.get(2) # cache has not been marked as stale so no refresh
>>> cache.expiry_seconds = 1 # make refresh time very short
>>> time.sleep(1.5) # sleep so that cache becomes stale
>>> cache.ttl(2)
>>> cache.get(2) # check cache to see that we auto-refresh
>>> cache.expiry_seconds = 1000 # slow down auto refresh for other examples
>>>, 5)
>>> cache.get(800)
>>>'800', 'a string')
>>> cache.get('800')
'a string'
>>> cache.delete(800)
>>> cache.get(800, allow_refresh=False) is None
You can find the project page at