A webpack plugin to proxy jsBridge request on JSBridge Server, then you can develop on pc browser without real phones.
// vue.config.js
const JSBridgePlugin = require("webpack-jsbridge-plugin");
module.exports = defineConfig({
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new JSBridgePlugin({
port: 3300,
origin: [""],
In this plugin, the following JavaScript APIs are exposed for both Android and iOS:
call app sdk:
window.androidJS.nativeMethod // android
window.webkit.messageHandlers.nativeObject.postMessage // ios
sdk callback:
If you define other methods, you will need to customize some methods to override them:
// override mock, 通过 inject 注入
window.youSDKMethod = (arg1, arg2) => {
const data = { arg1, arg2 };
return window.$jsBridge.invoke(data);
window.youSDKCallback = (arg1, arg2)=>{
onst data = { arg1, arg2 };
// override jsbridge, 通过 server public 覆盖
window.$jsBridge.invoke = (data) => {
const { arg1, arg2 } = data;
return window.youSDKMethod(arg1, arg2);
window.receiveMessage = (data) => {
const { arg1, arg2 } = data;
window.youSDKCallback(arg1, arg2);