- Users
- Orders
- Products
Association | ColumnName | Datatype | Nullable |
PK | Id | Guid | NOT NULL |
FirstName | nvarchar(32) | NOT NULL | |
LastName | nvarchar(32) | NOT NULL | |
Address | nvarchar(64) | NOT NULL |
Association | ColumnName | Datatype | Nullable |
PK | Id | Guid | NOT NULL |
FK | UserId | Guid | NOT NULL |
FK | ProductId | Guid | NOT NULL |
Quantity | int | NOT NULL | |
ToAdress | nvarchar(64) | NOT NULL | |
OrderDate | DateTime2 | NOT NULL |
Association | ColumnName | Datatype | Nullable |
PK | Id | Guid | NOT NULL |
TotalSupply | int | NOT NULL | |
Price | Double | NOT NULL | |
Name | nvarchar(32) | NOT NULL | |
Description | nvarchar(64) | NULL | |
CreationDate | DateTime2 | NOT NULL | |
FK | CreatedById | Guid | NOT NULL |
Users endpoints:
- Get User with id
- Create User
Products endpoints:
- Get All Products
- Get Product with id
- Create Product
Orders endpoints:
- Get Order with id
- Get all Order
- Get all User Orders with userId
- Order Product