This is the sourcecode repository for Android Application Development for Dummies, 3rd edition.
The book's website, featuring additional content such as web articles and source code, is available here:
If you downloaded this source code from the book's website, you should visit for the latest updates on GitHub. There, you'll be able to see the latest code and contribute pull requests.
This code is automatically checked out and built on a continuous integration server named travis-ci. To see the latest build results, visit To see the travis configuration file for this project, open .travis.yml.
The Tasks app from the book has been published to Google Play.
As a final note, the keystore for uploading these apps to the play store is stored in a private git repository hosted at You won't need access to this file to build your app. It's only for maintainers of the official com.dummies.* apps on the Google Play store.