💥 Battle-tested at Grofers and Aptvision.
Ansible role which installs and configures barman by 2ndQuadrant on debian and RedHat based distros (Tested with Ubuntu 14.04 and RedHat 7 only, but should work with other similar distros as well).
This has been tested on Ansible 2.1.0 and higher. To install:
ansible-galaxy install emmetog.barman
# defaults file for ansible-role-barman
barman_client_only: no
## APT settings
barman_postgresql_apt_key_id: ACCC4CF8
barman_postgresql_apt_key_url: "https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc"
barman_postgresql_apt_repository: "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ {{ansible_distribution_release}}-pgdg main"
# Pin-Priority of PGDG repository
barman_postgresql_apt_pin_priority: 500
## Cron Configuration
barman_cron_disabled: false
# Run barman cron every minute
minute: "*"
hour: "*"
day: "*"
weekday: "*"
month: "*"
## Barman Config
barman_user: "barman"
barman_configuration_files_directory: "/etc/barman.d"
barman_home: "/var/lib/barman"
barman_log_directory: "/var/log/barman"
barman_log_file: "{{ barman_log_directory }}/barman.log"
barman_log_level: "INFO"
- name: ssh-replication
active: true
description: "Example of rsync backup with streaming replication"
host: "db01.ukcloud.aptvision.com"
systemdbname: "postgres"
# Backup options, can be postgres (replication) or rsync
backup_user: "barman"
backup_method: rsync
backup_options: concurrent_backup
ssh_command: "ssh -q postgres@my-postgres-db"
reuse_backup: link
# Streaming WALS, can be streaming (replication) or traditional archiving
streaming_user: "streaming_barman"
streaming_password: <password> # This is optional, remove this line if you want to manage the .pgpass file yourself
streaming_archiver: "on"
slot_name: barman_1
archiver: off
# Set this to true to disallow backups to run according to the schedule below
cron_disabled: false
minute: "0"
hour: "0"
day: "*"
There are a lot more optional variables, please see defaults/main.yml for all of them.
- name: Setup and configure barman
become: yes
- emmetog.barman