Files pertaining to our NLP Final Project: Semantic Analysis in Twitter Our project was to design and test systems which given a tweet and a topic could extract the sentiment of the tweet about the topic. Contains the sentiment lexicon tagger and the mfs tagger. Change globals in in order to change the test data for each. Contains the naive bayes classifier Contains the decision list classifier. Change globals in in order to change the size of the test and training data. Contains functions used to check the tags of a classifier with the correct tags. Parsing mechanism used to place data into dictionaries. Used in the deicion list and
sentimentLexicon.txt: The text file containing the sentiment lexicon data.
trainA.txt: The training\test data for task A
trainB.txt: The training\test data for task B
results.txt: Results for each classifier
oldFiles: Old files not being used in the classifiers
texFiles: Our paper and the LaTex code that it was compiled from.