Validasaur is Deno validation library slightly inspired by Laravel Validation.
- Table of Contents
- Examples
- Available Rules
either(ruleSets: (Rule|Rule[])[], errorCode: string = 'either')
endsWith(str: string)
isIn(allowedValues: PrimitiveTypes[])
lengthBetween(minLength: number, maxLength: number)
match(regex: RegExp, trim: boolean = false)
maxLength(minValue: number)
maxNumber(maxValue: number)
minLength(minValue: number)
minNumber(minValue: number)
notIn(disallowedValues: PrimitiveTypes[])
numberBetween(minValue: number, maxValue: number)
requiredIf(field: string, fieldValue: any)
requiredUnless(field: string, fieldValue: any)
requiredWhen(callback: (value: any, utils: ValidationUtils) => boolean|Promise<boolean>)
startsWith(str: string)
- Contributing
Write your example.ts
like this:
import { validate, required, isNumber } from "";
const inputs = {
name: "",
age: "20"
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate(inputs, {
name: required,
age: [required, isNumber]
console.log({ passes, errors });
Run code above with:
deno run example.ts
And this is the result:
"passes": false,
"errors": {
"name": {
"required": "name is required"
"age": {
"isNumber": "age must be a number"
If you want a simpler error message,
you can use flattenMessages
or firstMessages
to format error messages.
For example:
import {
} from "";
const inputs = {
name: "",
age: "20"
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate(inputs, {
name: required,
age: [required, isNumber]
const firstErrors = firstMessages(errors);
const flattenErrors = flattenMessages(errors);
// Show the difference
defaultErrors: errors,
"defaultErrors": {
"name": {
"required": "name is required"
"age": {
"isNumber": "age must be a number"
"firstErrors": {
"name": "name is required",
"age": "age must be a number"
"flattenErrors": {
"name.required": "name is required",
"age.isNumber": "age must be a number",
"name": "name is required",
"age": "age must be a number"
import {
} from "";
const inputs = {
name: "",
age: "12",
sex: "unknown",
const [passes, errors] = await validate(inputs, {
name: required,
age: [required, isNumber],
sex: [required, isString, isIn(["male", "female"])]
}, {
messages: {
"name": "Nama tidak boleh kosong",
"age.required": "Usia tidak boleh kosong",
"age.isNumber": "Usia harus berupa angka",
// Using function
"isIn": (params: InvalidParams): string => {
const allowedValues = params.allowedValues.join("/");
return `${params.attr} field doesn't allow '${params.value}', it only allows ${allowedValues}`;
// Use this if you want same message for any rule fail
// "age": "Usia tidak valid",
console.log({ passes, errors });
"passes": false,
"errors": {
"name": {
"required": "Nama tidak boleh kosong"
"age": {
"isNumber": "Usia harus berupa angka"
import {
} from "";
const inputs = {
name: "",
age: "20",
skills: ["PHP", "Node.js", 0, "Deno"],
address: {
street: null,
city: "Jakarta",
country: "Indonesia",
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate(inputs, {
name: required,
age: [required, isNumber],
// validateArray(required: boolean, rules: Rule[])
skills: validateArray(true, [isString]),
// validateObject(required: boolean, rules: ValidationRule)
address: validateObject(true, {
street: required,
city: required,
country: required,
const flattenErrors = flattenMessages(errors);
console.log({ passes, flattenErrors });
"passes": false,
"flattenErrors": {
"name.required": "name is required",
"age.isNumber": "age must be a number",
"skills.2.isString": "2 must be a string",
"address.street.required": "street is required",
"name": "name is required",
"age": "age must be a number",
"skills.2": "2 must be a string",
"address.street": "street is required"
In this example we will make an isOdd
rule validation that check odd number.
First, let's make is_odd.ts
like this:
import { invalid, Validity } from "";
export function isOdd(value: any): Validity {
if (typeof value !== "number") {
return invalid("isOdd", { value });
if (value % 2 !== 1) {
return invalid("isOdd", { value });
Now, we can use it like this:
import {
} from "";
import { isOdd } from "./is_odd.ts";
const inputs = {
number: 20
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate(inputs, {
number: [required, isNumber, isOdd]
console.log({ passes, errors });
In this example we will make a unique
rule that check value availability in the database.
This rule accepts table
and column
as arguments, then calling database function to check availability based on those arguments.
First, let's make our unique.ts
import db from "./your_db_service.ts";
import { invalid, Validity, Rule } from "";
export function unique(table: string, column: string): Rule {
return async function uniqueRule(value: any): Promise<Validity> {
if (typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "number") {
return invalid("unique", { value, table, column });
const data = await db.findOne(table, { [column]: value });
if (data !== null) {
return invalid("unique", { value, table, column });
Now we can use it like this:
import {
} from "";
import { unique } from "./unique.ts";
const inputs = {
email: ""
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate(inputs, {
email: [required, isEmail, unique("users", "email")]
console.log({ passes, errors });
Value under this field should not be null
, undefined
, or an empty string (""
- Invalid values:
- Valid values:
, etc.
When you don't put
on a field, that field will be considered as optional field. Which means when it's value isundefined
, or""
, that field will be considered as valid without checking for next rules.
Use this as an OR
For example you may want to accept ipv4
or ipv6
, you can use either
rule like below:
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: "",
value2: "::1",
value3: "not an IP address"
}, {
value1: [required, either([isIPv4, isIPv6])], // valid
value2: [required, either([isIPv4, isIPv6])], // valid
value3: [required, either([isIPv4, isIPv6])], // invalid
You may want define errorCode
to use appropriate custom message:
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value: "foobarbaz"
}, {
value: [required, either([isIPv4, isIPv6], "ipAddress")],
}, {
messages: {
"ipAddress": ":attr is not valid IP address"
Value under this field must be a string that ends with given str
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: null,
value2: "barfoo",
value3: "foobar"
}, {
value1: endsWith("bar"), // invalid
value2: endsWith("bar"), // invalid
value3: endsWith("bar"), // valid
Value under this field must be an array.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
,[1, 2, 3]
,[{x: 10}, {x: 12}]
, etc.
Value under this field must be a boolean.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
Value under this field must be a string that has length >= 10 and can be parsed by Date.parse()
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
,"2020-01-02 10:20:30"
, etc.
Value under this field must be valid email address.
- Invalid values:
"someone name"
, etc. - Valid values:
, etc.
Value under this field must be a float number.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
, etc.
Value under this field must be one of allowed values.
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: "yes",
value2: "no",
value3: "maybe"
}, {
value1: isIn(["yes", "no"]), // passes
value2: isIn(["yes", "no"]), // passes
value3: isIn(["yes", "no"]), // fail
Value under this field must be an integer.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
, etc.
Value under this field must be valid IPv4.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
, etc.
Value under this field must be valid IPv6.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
, etc.
Value under this field must be a float or an integer.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
, etc.
Same as asNumber
, but it allows numeric string.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
, etc.
Value under this field must be a string.
- Invalid values:
, etc. - Valid values:
, etc.
Value under this field must be a string that has char length between minLength
and maxLength
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: 'foo',
value2: 'foobar',
value3: 'fo',
value4: 'foobars',
}, {
value1: lengthBetween(3, 6), // passes
value2: lengthBetween(3, 6), // passes
value3: lengthBetween(3, 6), // fail
value4: lengthBetween(3, 6), // fail
Value under this field must be a string that match with given regex
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: 'foo$',
value2: '$foo',
value3: 'foo1',
value4: 'foo2',
value5: ' foo3',
value6: ' foo4',
}, {
value1: match(/^[a-z0-9]{4}$/), // fail
value2: match(/^[a-z0-9]{4}$/), // fail
value3: match(/^[a-z0-9]{4}$/), // passes
value4: match(/^[a-z0-9]{4}$/), // passes
value5: match(/^[a-z0-9]{4}$/), // fail
value6: match(/^[a-z0-9]{4}$/, true), // passes after trim
Value under this field must be a string that has char length lower or equals maxValue
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: 'foobarbaz',
value2: 'foobar',
}, {
value1: maxLength(6), // fail
value2: maxLength(6), // passes
Value under this field should be a number that is not higher than maxValue
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: 6,
value2: 5.01,
value3: 5,
value4: 4
}, {
value1: maxNumber(5), // fail
value2: maxNumber(5), // fail
value3: maxNumber(5), // passes
value4: maxNumber(5), // passes
Value under this field must be a string that has char length higher or equals minValue
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: 'foo',
value2: 'foobar',
}, {
value1: minLength(6), // fail
value2: minLength(6), // passes
Value under this field should be a number that is not lower than minValue
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: 1,
value2: 4.99,
value3: 5,
value4: 5.01,
}, {
value1: minNumber(5), // fail
value2: minNumber(5), // fail
value3: minNumber(5), // passes
value4: minNumber(5), // passes
Value under this field must not be one of disallowed values.
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: "yes",
value2: "no",
value3: "maybe"
}, {
value1: notIn(["yes", "no"]), // fail
value2: notIn(["yes", "no"]), // fail
value3: notIn(["yes", "no"]), // passes
Value under this field must not be null
In case you need a required
field that accept null
you can put nullable
after required
field. So when the value is null
, validator will consider your value as valid without checking for next rules.
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: null,
value2: null,
value3: "3",
value4: 4,
}, {
value1: [required, isNumber], // failed on required
value2: [required, nullable, isNumber], // passes
value3: [required, nullable, isNumber], // failed on isNumber
value4: [required, nullable, isNumber], // passes
Value under this field must be a number between minValue
and maxValue
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: 5,
value2: 10,
value3: 4.99,
value4: 10.01,
}, {
value1: numberBetween(5, 10), // passes
value2: numberBetween(5, 10), // passes
value3: numberBetween(5, 10), // fail
value4: numberBetween(5, 10), // fail
Field within this rule will be required if given field
match fieldValue
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: null,
value2: "2",
value3: null,
otherField: 1,
}, {
value1: [requiredIf('otherField', 1), isNumber], // failed at required
value2: [requiredIf('otherField', 1), isNumber], // failed at isNumber
value3: [requiredIf('otherField', 0), isNumber], // passes because value3 becomes optional
Field within this rule will be required if given field
doesn't match with fieldValue
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: null,
value2: "2",
value3: null,
otherField: 1,
}, {
value1: [requiredUnless('otherField', 9), isNumber], // failed at required
value2: [requiredUnless('otherField', 6), isNumber], // failed at isNumber
value3: [requiredUnless('otherField', 1), isNumber], // passes because value3 becomes optional
Field within this rule will be required if callback returns true
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: null,
value2: "2",
value3: null,
value4: null,
otherField: 10,
}, {
value1: [requiredWhen(() => true), isNumber], // failed at required
value2: [requiredWhen(() => true), isNumber], // failed at isNumber
value3: [requiredWhen(() => false), isNumber], // passes because value3 becomes optional
value4: [
requiredWhen((_, { getValue }): boolean => {
const x = getValue('otherField');
return typeof x !== "number" || x % 2 === 0;
], // this will fail because value4 is null and otherField|x is 10 where 10 % 2 === 0
Value under this field must be a string that starts with given str
const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
value1: null,
value2: "barfoo",
value3: "foobar"
}, {
value1: startsWith("foo"), // invalid
value2: startsWith("foo"), // invalid
value3: startsWith("foo"), // valid
All contributions are welcome, make sure to read the contribution guideline.