IMUF 256 with PT(n)
- This version will saturate CPU at 32k pidloop. Please use a max of 16k pidloop unless using StrixF10 or Over-clocked HelioSpring.
Recommendation: IMUF 256.
- Same technology as IMUF 254 (PT2) or IMUF 255 (PT3), except pilot-configurable PT order.
- EmuFlight 0.4.0+ will use
set imuf_ptn_order =
1,2,3,4. - Older version may use
set imuf_sharpness =
1,2,3,4. All other values will default to3
- PT filter rather than BiQuad.
- Does not over-filter like 900X, 250, & 252.
- Pilots may set IMUF LPF's to normal ranges (typically 90-120), depending on the aircraft.
- Pilots are welcome to use any IMUF versions liked best. New IMUF releases are not requirements. You may even use original HelioRC IMUF if you prefer.
- Some pilots have found 10.67k/10.67k gyro/pid loops to be best overall balance between gyro-noise and flight-control. You may achieve 10.67k loops by CLI command
set gyro_sync_denom = 3.
- Other gyro/pid loops that work well: 32/16, 16/16, 16/8, 8/8, 8/4
- Any flightware version
Additional Information
- Use the IMUF Flasher Tool for Flashing:
- Pilot configurable PT filter order