You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 7
Data API
Submit data from specific device. You can use REST API capabilities to submit data for specific device and it's component. Device and component have to be registered in the cloud before sending observations.
Device location (loc)
should be sent as [decimal latitude, decimal longitude, height in meters] using WGS84 Datum -
should be sent as key:value pairs, where both key and value sent as string
Param | Type | Description | Value |
Authorization | HTTP Header | Device Token | Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eX... |
Content-Type | HTTP Header | Type of body content | application/json |
DeviceId | URL Slug | The ID of the device from which the data is being submitted | AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF-11 |
POST /data/{deviceId}
POST /data/admin/{deviceId} (Using admin token)
"on": 1354741967799,
"accountId": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
"data": [
"componentId": "436e7e74-6771-4898-9057-26932f5eb7e1_01",
"on": 1354741966688,
"loc": [ 45.5434085, -122.654422, 124.3 ],
"value": "26.7"
"componentId": "436e7e74-6771-4898-9057-26932f5eb7e1_01",
"on": 1354741966699,
"loc": [ 45.5434085, -122.654422 ],
"value": "26.8"
"componentId": "436e7e74-6771-4898-9057-26932f5eb7e1_02",
"on": 1354741966688,
"value": "35",
"attributes": {
"accuracy": "±2%RH",
"reading": "digital"
"componentId": "436e7e74-6771-4898-9057-26932f5eb7e1_03",
"on": 1354741966677,
"value": "TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBvbmx5IGJ5IGhpcyByZWFzb24sIGJ1dCBieSB0aGlz
Response 201
Retrieve data sent to the Cloud. You can use REST API to request data that was submitted to the Cloud.
For all output types, if request would result in 500 000 samples or more, error 413 - Entity too large will be returned.
Param | Type | Description | Value |
Authorization | HTTP Header | Access Token | Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eX... |
Content-Type | HTTP Header | Type of body content | application/json |
accountId | URL Slug | The ID of an Account | 534da46c820cb9f74a0d3de6 |
Request (application/json)
POST accounts/{accountId}/data/search
"from": <milliseconds from epoch>,
"to": <milliseconds from epoch>,
"targetFilter": {
"deviceList": [
"metrics": [
"id": "<component_id>",
"op": "none" // currently it's the only value supported
####Request Body
Param | Description | Value |
from | beginning of the time window | 0 |
to | end of the time window, optional | 1407979291860 |
targetFilter | the filter object that will be used to select devices | "criteria" | "deviceList" (see definition below) |
maxItems | number of dataPoints to return. Time period will be devided into this number of windows, and all points in each window will be averaged. DO NOT include maxPoints if you want the actual data values which were submitted. | 100 |
metrics | array of metrics (data series) to return - each object in array contains ID that represents the ID of component. Up to 10 such objects can be provided. | "metrics": [ {"id": "e3a48caa-e4c5-46bb-951e-8f9d0a4be516","op": "none"}] |
queryMeasureLocation | true to include the geo location of each measurement, optional, false by default. Cannot be true if maxItems parameter is provided. | true/false |
recipients | array of mail message recipients, optional | "recipients": [ "example@gmail.com" ] |
If the
key is omitted, data will be retrieved up to the current time. -
If the
key is omitted, from will default to zero. Iffrom
is positive it will represent the number of milliseconds since Jan-01-1970T00:00:00.000. However, iffrom
is negative, it represents the number of seconds to add toto
(because the number is negative, it will decreaseto
, moving backward in time. -
Due to a defect (2137), the
parameter must be included. Set it to 0 to represent the epoch.
Here are some examples:
from | to | meaning |
0 | missing | Return all data available |
-86400 | missing | return all data with timestamps in the last 24 hours (86,400 seconds) |
1407979291000 | 1407980711000 | return all observations with timestamps between 2014-08-13T18:21:31.000 UTC and 2014-08-13T18:45:11.000 UTC |
POST accounts/{accountId}/data/search
"from": <milliseconds from epoch>,
"to": <milliseconds from epoch>,
"targetFilter": {
"criteria": {
"<device_property>": {"operator" : "<in|neq|eq|gt|lt>", "value":"<value_of_property>"}
"metrics": [
"id": "component_id",
"op": "none"
POST accounts/{accountId}/data/search?output=csv
"from": <milliseconds from epoch>,
"to": <milliseconds from epoch>,
"targetFilter": {
"criteria": {
"<device_property>": {"operator" : "<in|neq|eq|like>", "value":"<value_of_property>"}
"metrics": [
"id": "component_id",
"op": "none"
POST accounts/{accountId}/data/search?output=email
"from": <milliseconds from epoch>,
"to": <milliseconds from epoch>,
"targetFilter": {
"criteria": {
"<device_property>": {"operator" : "<in|neq|eq|gt|lt>", "value":"<value_of_property>"}
"metrics": [
"id": "component_id",
"op": "none"
"recipients" : [
####Device List Example
Get observations timestamped in the last 24 hours, from components with ids "e3a48caa-e4c5-46bb-951e-8f9d0a4be516" and "76a95112-2159-4ee6-8e91-6a69b9c51edc" installed on devices with ids "D1" and "D2":
"from": -86400,
"targetFilter": {
"deviceList": ["D1", "D2" ]
"metrics": [
"id": "e3a48caa-e4c5-46bb-951e-8f9d0a4be516",
"op": "none"
"id": "76a95112-2159-4ee6-8e91-6a69b9c51edc",
"op": "none"
####Criteria Example
"criteria": {
"tags": {"operator" : "in", "value":["floor1, lab"]}
"criteria": {
"deviceId": {"operator" : "eq", "value":"device_1"}
HTTP 200 OK (application/json)
"from": 1234567890,
"to": 1234567890,
"maxPoints": 100,
"series": [
"deviceId": "D1",
"deviceName": "D1",
"componentId": "e3a48caa-e4c5-46bb-951e-8f9d0a4be516",
"componentName": "temp",
"componentType": "temperature.v1.0",
"points": [
{"ts":9874569871, "value":25},
{"ts":9874569899, "value":24}
"deviceId": "D2",
"deviceName": "D2",
"componentId": "76a95112-2159-4ee6-8e91-6a69b9c51edc",
"componentName": "Humidity 1",
"componentType": "humidity.v1.0",
"points": [
HTTP 200 OK (text/csv)
Device Id,Device Name,Component Id,Component Name,Component Type,Time Stamp,Value
x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,Device x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp3,Sensor 3,humidity.v1.0,1407319322625,48.5
x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,Device x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp3,Sensor 3,humidity.v1.0,1407319392954,59
x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,Device x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp3,Sensor 3,humidity.v1.0,1407319463621,35.6666
x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,Device x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp3,Sensor 3,humidity.v1.0,1407319569001,30.5
x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,Device x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp,x0n48ix7okmqqzt897fp3,Sensor 3,humidity.v1.0,1407319638636,53.6666