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Getting Started

Sandro Gauci edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 4 revisions


Python Versions

WAFW00F is fully compatible with both versions of Python 2.x as well as 3.x. However the support for Python 2.x versions will shortly be dropped due to the approaching end of the version.

WAFW00F is now totally compatible/stable with Python 3.x (preferably >= 3.4) versions at present.

Operating Systems

WAFW00F has been tested on major Linux distributions (Arch, Debian, Ubuntu), Windows and Mac, and works as expected. Feel free to report any bugs you might encounter.


The new beautiful ASCII art is colored. On Linux based systems (and Linux Subsystems for Windows), you'll find colored outputs. However, Mac & Windows doesn't support ANSI escape sequences so the output won't be colored on Mac & Windows. However you can still flawlessly use WAFW00F on them.


WAFW00F needs some libraries to run efficiently. Apart from in-built libraries, some require installation via pip.

Following are the dependencies that WAFW00F engine requires:

  • requests - For making HTTP queries.
  • pluginbase - A plugin parser for python based projects.

Rest of the Python libraries used by WAFW00F are standard libraries which come pre-installed with a Python 3.x interpreter.


If you're using some Debian based distros like Kali Linux, you will find pre-built packages. To install, just simply type in apt-get install wafw00f. Do note that we do not build these packages and therefore cannot provide support for this installation method.

For other distros:

➲ Clone the repository locally and navigate to the directory.

git clone
cd wafw00f/

➲ Setup the tool.

python install

➲ Fire-up wafw00f.

wafw00f --help

You'll see the list of arguments WAFW00F takes in. Once you supply the arguments properly, it confirms that the site is up and the fingerprinting process begins. For more info, head over to the Usage section.

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