To run an instance with default templates and language just run:
docker run -p 50003:50003 -p 50004:50004 \
--env SMTP_PASSWORD=bar \
--env SMTP_HOST=host.docker.internal \
--env SMTP_USER=foo \
--env SMTP_PORT=1025 \
--env \
--env SMTP_ENABLE_TLS=true \
--env SMTP_ENABLE_SSL=false \
--env SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=development \
Variables should be set to your correct SMTP credentials and host. DEFAULT_SENDER
should be set to your default email address, if no email is set in payload this one will be used.
If you want to use SSL set SMTP_ENABLE_SSL
to true
to false
. Same for TLS but in other direction
Now you can start using Straightmail for sending your email via simple rest calls.
Open http://localhost:50003/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/v3/api-docs#/
in your browser to visit the swagger and openAPI documentation which shows the available REST endpoints you can use to send emails.
Note that you should start straightmail in production
profile if you're in a production environment otherwise the swagger-ui will be be available and open to the world.
To do this just switch the docker env variable to --env SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=production
You should also note that this service is ment to be an internal service and shouldn't be exposed to the outside world since it has no security in it's APIs.
Let's send an email using our straightmail instance with template as files in our templates file directory. Your template should be saved in two files, one for the subject and one for the body of an email. Template id is the name of the template file without ending, the subject template always called templateId_subject.ftl (important: all HTML tags will be removed from subject while parsing).
You can also add templateId_plain.ftl for plaintext usage of the template, please avoid to use HTML in this template.
curl -d '{ "recipients": [""], "cc": null, "bcc": null, "attachments": null, "sender": "", "model": { "test": 200.8, "text": "test text" }, "locale": "de", "subject": "test mail: ${text}", "emailTemplateId": "default" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:50003/
Let's send an email using our straightmail instance with a template submitted inline.
curl -d '{ "recipients": ["test@localhost"], "cc": null, "bcc": null, "attachments": null, "sender": "test@localhost", "model": { "test": 200.8, "text": "test text" }, "locale": "de", "subject": "test mail: ${text}", "emailTemplate": "${test!\"\"}" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:50003/inline
Attachments can be provided as array of attachment objects. The content of the files should be a base64 encoded utf 8 string. for example:
{..., "attachments": [{"filename":"picture.jpg", "mimeType": "image/jpg", "content":"IG51bGw="}]}
If you want to bring your own templates and language files just use the straightmail base image and create your own straightmail image on top of that. We suggest to use your own Dockerfile for that. You could for example put this one with your templates and language files into a git repository to have everything versioned.
You can use objects, lists and primitive types in your template (provided in model field). Numbers (doubles, integers and co.) will be mapped correctly into the template.
As you can see in Dockerfile we provide i18n functionality. You can also provide customized subject, just use freemarker template language in template_subject.ftl files
In template files you can use:
<@spring.message "message.key"/>
to load messages from properties files. In the next section example Dockerfile, more information about templates and messages will be provided.
MongoDb support can be enabled by spring profile and will give the ability of saving templates to database with a simple restFul controller. If you want to enable mongoDb support you can use mongo
profile. Example docker run command
docker run -p 50003:50003 -p 50004:50004 \
--env SMTP_PASSWORD=bar \
--env SMTP_HOST=host.docker.internal \
--env SMTP_USER=foo \
--env SMTP_PORT=1025 \
--env \
--env SMTP_ENABLE_TLS=true \
--env SMTP_ENABLE_SSL=false \
--env MONGO_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/test \
--env MONGO_DATABASE=straigthmail \
If you want to use authentication for mongodb use the following env variables
You will see all template operations in swagger ui:
Since straightmail will lookup for templates in /resources/templates/
and i18n files in /resources/i18n/
you can use the following Dockerfile as example to create your own docker image with your own templates and i18n.
You can find examples how templates or i18n files look like here.
ADD templates /resources/templates # add your template directory containing *.ftl templates here
ADD i18n /resources/i18n # add your i18n directory containing files here
If you're done with this you can build your own image using docker-cli docker build .
or let your build pipeline do that.
E.g. we suggest to use gitlab-ci to always have your own customized straightmail docker image.
After you've build your own docker image with your own templates you can use the REST api to send emails.
The emailTemplateId
field corresponds to the template filename. If you've added a template called emailConfirmation.ftl
you have to use
within your API request payload.
If you started with port exposing to localhost you can fetch http://localhost:50004/actuator/health
to get health status of the service itself
Straightmail internally uses the freemarker template engine which has the advantages that it's easy to copy and paste email html templates. This is really useful if you for example use email templates bought on themeforest. Since these templates can get updates you don't have to check each html dom element while importing a template update. Mostly you only have to focus on your content model variables and you're able to just copy the html from the update.
Templates will be used for body and subject, too. So you can use i18n features also in your subject.
So you have the full feature support of freemarker in your templates and also activated i18n support so that you can also put your resource bundles with into your image and switch the locale for each email you're sending.
This is open source software by encircle360. Use on your own risk and for personal use. If you need support or consultancy just contact us.