This bundle provides support for the Sass CSS pre-processor in Adobe Experience Manager 6.2 or above.
Supports all the latest features of Sass:
- Variables
- Nesting
- Partials
- Imports
- Mixins
- Inheritance
- Operators
Examples of supported @import
@import 'file';
@import 'file.scss';
@import 'partials/file';
@import 'partials/file.scss';
@import 'file1', 'file2';
@import '/etc/designs/aem-sass-compiler/clientlib/file';
@import '/etc/designs/aem-sass-compiler/clientlib/file.scss';
If any one of the conditions below are met, the @import
will be skipped and compiled to a CSS @import
- The file’s extension is .css
- The filename begins with http://
- The filename is a url()
- The @import has any media queries
- Add the following dependency to your POM:
Note: replace "1.0.1" with the latest version of the compiler.
- In your
configuration, add anembedded
entry for the compiler:
<!-- other entries... -->
Note: replace "/apps/my-aem-project/install" with your own project path.
Install the provided OSGi bundle (.jar) in the latest release via the Web Console.
- Start writing
files just like you would write.less
files within AEM.
├── css.txt
├── main.scss
└── partials
└── _base.scss
The css.txt
file should only reference your main Sass file:
The following log entries should be visible when installing the bundle:
*INFO* [...] com.adobe.granite.ui.clientlibs.impl.CompilerProviderImpl Registering client library compiler scss
*INFO* [...] com.github.mickleroy.aem.sass.impl.SassCompilerImpl Activating Sass Compiler
Similar log entries should be visible when compiling a .scss
*INFO* [...] com.adobe.granite.ui.clientlibs.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl Start building CSS library: /etc/designs/aem-sass-compiler/clientlib
*INFO* [...] com.github.mickleroy.aem.sass.impl.SassCompilerImpl Compiled Sass in 97ms
*INFO* [...] com.adobe.granite.ui.clientlibs.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl finished building library /etc/designs/aem-sass-compiler/clientlib.css
Currently support LibSass version 3.4.3.
LibSass is a C/C++ port of the original engine written in Ruby. More info at
jsass is a feature complete Java wrapper of LibSass (requires Java 8). More info at
Create a release branch off the master
git branch release/X.X.X
Prepare the release (use vX.X.X for the tag)
mvn release:prepare -DpushChanges=false
Push the changes to the repository
git push origin
Checkout the newly created tag and build the project
git checkout tags/vX.X.X
mvn clean package
Attach the jar to the release on Github and merge back to master