fastquant allows you to easily backtest investment strategies with as few as 3 lines of python code. Its goal is to promote data driven investments by making quantitative analysis in finance accessible to everyone.
- Easily access historical stock data
- Backtest and optimize trading strategies with only 3 lines of code
- Both Yahoo Finance and Philippine stock data data are accessible straight from fastquant
pip install fastquant
R support is pending development, but you may install the R package by typing the following
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("enzoampil/fastquant", subdir = "R")
All symbols from Yahoo Finance and Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) are accessible via get_stock_data
from fastquant import get_stock_data
df = get_stock_data("JFC", "2018-01-01", "2019-01-01")
# dt close
# 2019-01-01 293.0
# 2019-01-02 292.0
# 2019-01-03 309.0
# 2019-01-06 323.0
# 2019-01-07 321.0
get_pse_data("JFC", "2018-01-01", "2019-01-01")
Note: Python has Yahoo Finance and phisix support. R only has phisix support. Symbols from Yahoo Finance will return closing prices in USD, while symbols from PSE will return closing prices in PHP
Note: Support for backtesting in R is pending
Daily Jollibee prices from 2018-01-01 to 2019-01-01
from fastquant import backtest
backtest('smac', df, fast_period=15, slow_period=40)
# Starting Portfolio Value: 100000.00
# Final Portfolio Value: 102272.90
Daily Jollibee prices from 2018-01-01 to 2019-01-01
from fastquant import backtest
res = backtest("smac", df, fast_period=range(15, 30, 3), slow_period=range(40, 55, 3), verbose=False)
# Optimal parameters: {'init_cash': 100000, 'buy_prop': 1, 'sell_prop': 1, 'execution_type': 'close', 'fast_period': 15, 'slow_period': 40}
# Optimal metrics: {'rtot': 0.022, 'ravg': 9.25e-05, 'rnorm': 0.024, 'rnorm100': 2.36, 'sharperatio': None, 'pnl': 2272.9, 'final_value': 102272.90}
print(res[['fast_period', 'slow_period', 'final_value']].head())
# fast_period slow_period final_value
#0 15 40 102272.90
#1 21 40 98847.00
#2 21 52 98796.09
#3 24 46 98008.79
#4 15 46 97452.92
Strategy | Alias | Parameters |
Relative Strength Index (RSI) | rsi | rsi_period , rsi_upper , rsi_lower |
Simple moving average crossover (SMAC) | smac | fast_period , slow_period |
Exponential moving average crossover (EMAC) | emac | fast_period , slow_period |
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) | macd | fast_perod , slow_upper , signal_period , sma_period , sma_dir_period |
Bollinger Bands | bbands | period , devfactor |
Buy and Hold | buynhold | N/A |
backtest('rsi', df, rsi_period=14, rsi_upper=70, rsi_lower=30)
# Starting Portfolio Value: 100000.00
# Final Portfolio Value: 132967.87
backtest('smac', df, fast_period=10, slow_period=30)
# Starting Portfolio Value: 100000.00
# Final Portfolio Value: 95902.74
backtest('emac', df, fast_period=10, slow_period=30)
# Starting Portfolio Value: 100000.00
# Final Portfolio Value: 90976.00
backtest('macd', df, fast_period=12, slow_period=26, signal_period=9, sma_period=30, dir_period=10)
# Starting Portfolio Value: 100000.00
# Final Portfolio Value: 96229.58
backtest('bbands', df, period=20, devfactor=2.0)
# Starting Portfolio Value: 100000.00
# Final Portfolio Value: 97060.30
See more examples here.