RioTable (Riot+Table) Is a flexible HTML component to generate tables with riot.js lib from a JSON source
You can use this HTML tag in your common html files
<rtable ongetdata="getJSON"></rtable>
This is a simple definition of one table that renders all JSON data returned by the callback function getJSON. Of course we can retrieve JSON data from an AJAX method
function getJSON(){
return [
{id:101, city:'New York', flag:'ny.png'},
{id:202, city:'Berlin', flag:'be.png'},
{id:205, city:'Madrid', flag:'md.png'}
We can specify which columns to render from JSON data
<rtable ongetdata="getJSON">
<rcol name="id"/>
<rcol name="city"/>
Setting an id or a CSS class (for example to render table as BootStrap table), and the width of any column is so simple:
<rtable ongetdata="getJSON" id="myrtable" class="table">
<rcol name="id" width="20px"/>
<rcol name="city"/>
It's very common to include our custom HTML tags inside our rendered cell like bold text, links, images, html snippets ...
As easy as:
<rtable ongetdata="getJSON" id="myrtable" class="table">
<rcol name="id" width="20px"> <b>{id}</b> </rcol>
<rcol name="city"/> <a href="details/?city={id}">{city}</a> </rcol>
<rcol name="flag"/> <img src="img/{flag}" /> </rcol>
For example we can add new data to our table when a button is clicked.
<button onclick="addNewData()">Change Table</button>
function addNewData(){
var mytable = document.getElementById('myrtable');
mytable.Load( [{id:255, city:'Paris', flag:'pa.png'}] );