This repository hosts all you need to install an Open Data Cube instance as a docker container that serves a Jupyter notebook environment running a Python
kernel and an R
kernel. It is originally based on the Cube-in-a-box repository.
- environment requirements to run an Open Data Cube instance, including
etc. - a
notebook environment Python
, accessible as a kernel inJupyter
, and its upstream dependencies,- the Open Data Cube
library, associated libraries and their upstream dependencies, R
and its upstream dependencies, initialized to connect with the Jupyter environment as an additional kernel,- the eo2cube
package, anR
interface to the Open Data Cube libraries, - a pre-installed suite of
packages for spatial analysis as well as their system requirements, includingstars
and others, RStudio
server runing on port8080
,- helper scripts for quick starting, stopping and re-deploying of the container environment (see below),
- example
notebooks, - this
with installation instructions.
See the commit history for all changes to the original repository.
Make sure to have docker
and docker-compose
installed on your host system. Depending on your host system and your docker
installation, you might need sudo
rights for the following steps.
Clone this repository to a directory of your choice, e.g. using
git clone
and cd
into its main directory. To start the container (and build it the first time), run:
To initialize the jupyter environment and pull Sentinel-2A example data, open a new shell and run:
Wait for its completion. You may now access your local Jupyter environment in a browser on your host machine under http://localhost. Use the password secretpassword
to authenticate.
See the notebook Sentinel_2.ipynb
for examples. Note that you can index additional areas using the Indexing_More_Data.ipynb
To stop the container, from a shell other then the one the docker container is running in, run:
To fully clean your docker environment from images pulled for odcbox
and to allow a fresh re-deploy, run
before starting over. Note that with each re-deploy, a new docker volume is created containing your indexed data. You may want to prune your docker volumes for a re-deploy, e.g. using docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q -f 'dangling=true')
. Note that this will remove all docker volumes, also those from other docker instances that might be running on your host system.
Example notebooks/markdowns are stored in notebooks/
For an example on how to use Open Data Cube with Sentinel-2 data in Python, see this Jupyter notebook document created by and copied from Digital Earth Africa. Further resources on how to use the Open Data Cube in Python
can be found here.
For an example on how to use the Open Data Cube with Sentinel-2 data in R
, see this markdown document. Further resources on how to interact with the Open Data Cube in R
can be found here.
Occupied TCP port
Error message:
#> ERROR: for postgres Cannot start service postgres: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint odcbox_postgres_1 (...): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Reason: The default postgres
port 5432
seems to be used by some service (maybe postgres
?) running on your host system.
Solution: Check whether this is true by running lsof -i :5432
. You may want to kill the processes that are displayed using their associated PIDs with kill <PID>