MagicMirror module - O-clock inspired by PolarClock Screensaver
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
module: "MMM-OClock",
position: "top_center",
config: {}
module: "MMM-OClock",
position: "top_center",
config: {
locale: "", //default is system locale, or use like this. "de-DE"
centerColor: "#FFFFFF",
centerR: 50,
centerTextFormat: "YYYY",
centerFont: "bold 20px Roboto",
hands: ["month", "date", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"],
//available values; "year", "month", "date", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"
handType: "round", //"default", "round"
handWidth: [40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40],
handTextFormat: ["MMM", "Do", "ddd", "h", "m", "s"],
handFont: "bold 16px Roboto",
useNail: true,
nailSize: 40,
nailBgColor: "#000000",
nailTextColor: "#FFFFFF", //CSS color or "inherit"
space: 3,
colorType: "hsv", //availables: "static", "radiation", "transform", "hsv"
colorTypeStatic: ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"],
colorTypeRadiation: ["#333333", "red"],
colorTypeTransform: ["blue", "red"],
colorTypeHSV: 0.25, //hsv circle start color : 0~1
handConversionMap: { // I think you don't need to modify this.
"year": "YYYY",
"month": "M",
"date": "D",
"week": "w", // Local week of year. If you want to use ISO week of year, use "W" instead "w"
"day": "e", // Local day of week. If you want to use ISO day of week, use "E" instead "e"
"hour": "h", // 12H system. If you want to 24H system, use "H" instead "h"
"minute": "m",
"second": "s"
////// Available as of v2.x:
secondsUpdateInterval: 1, // how often to redraw the seconds hand (integer >= 1 sec)
// To show an age bar enter your birthYear AND enter "age" in the hands array.
birthYear: false, // e.g. 1901
birthMonth: 0, // e.g. 1-12 (optional, recommended)
lifeExpectancy: 85, // default: 85
linearLife: false, // set to true to plot life linearly not logarithmically
// Inspiration:
ageBarColor: [], // false for no gradient, empty array for default, or
// [start, stop] colors, e.g. ['#000', 'white']
scale: 1, // convenience to scale bar dimensions (font size & nailSize should be
// adjusted manually). E.g. 0.5 is half-size, 2 is double sized.
canvasStyle: "", // Any CSS styles, e.g. "opacity: .7; ..."
- v2.0 Update only seconds hand every second. Added age bar.
- v1.x Initial version