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WPForms EPFL Payonline

WPForms EPFL Payonline is a WPForms addon that allows the use of EPFL Payonline as a payment gateway.

DISCLAIMER: This addon is only useful in the EPFL ecosystem. Therefore, any attempt to use it "as is" without any modification will most certainly fail. Consider yourself warned...


  1. WPForms Elite or Pro is required to activate the use of payment, such as Stripe, Paypal or EPFL Payonline.
  2. You need the 'accred' right named 'Payonline' on the relevant EPFL unit.

Installation & Configuration

Please read the file.


You probably already know the drill:

Help and support

Please raise an issue with verbatim comments and steps to reproduce.


Once you have a running WordPress environment who can sends emails (you can use the wp-dev repo), install WPForms Elite or Pro and git clone this repo in the wp-content/plugins folder. Be sure to activate it.


This project carries some comfort scripts that made the releasing process easier, such as automated version, updated translation file, package creation, git support, ...

You can have a look to the, and Makefile files.

Note: you need to create a personal access token and add it to your WPEP_GH_TOKEN environment var, in order that the GitHub release can be created.

Here are some useful commands:

  1. Create a release: make release
    It will run some checks, bump version, create/update the translation (gettext) files, create the zip package, add and commit (if requested) files, create a tag according to the version and finally call the script. It should result in a freshly created latest release.

  2. Update the translation: make pot
    It will use the wp i18n make-pot command and the gettext's msgmerge, msginit and msgfmt boogaloo to create or update the languages/wpforms-epfl-payonline.pot, languages/wpforms-epfl-payonline-fr_FR.po, languages/ files.

  3. Create a new package: make zip
    Create a zip archive in the /builds directory, excluding unwanted files and directories. Also create 2 symbolic links and pointing to the last released version.

  4. Change the version: make version (default to patch)
    This will change version number in wpforms-epfl-payonline.php, using semver. Available options are:

    • make version-patch
    • make version-minor
    • make version-major