A set of dotfiles that I try to maintain based on need and what I have found from other github users sharing their dotfiles or screencast/blogs. I did not keep track of who to credit but I will not get any credits for the structure or the content of the files beside the link.sh
Credit for the basic organization of these files goes to Zach Holman and Chris Kelly for starting me into the right direction
Everything with a .symlink file extension ends up as a dotfile symlink in my $HOME directory (usually with the same name proceeded with a dot), for example rspec.symlink will be symlinked to $HOME/.rspec.
I have a small script called link.sh that helps me creating the link on a per tool basis.
A copy of the __git_ps1 at
curl -o ~/.git-prompt.sh
add to profile
source ~/.git-prompt.sh
Solarized Theme for OSX