This repository includes different projects I've been developing to test different web3 technologies.
Some of those projects were created by following different courses online.
Some of those courses I recommend are:
- Inbox Simple Inbox solidity contract
- Lottery Lottery solidity contract
- Lottery UI React UI for the lottery contract
- Kickstart Crowdfunding project using solidity and React
- MyWavePortal Solidity and React project where you send a wave, a message and you can earn ETH
- EpicNFTs Solidity and React project to mint a random NFT on chain.
- DiabloNFTGame Solidity and React project to play a Diablo 2 battle with NFTs
- SolanaGifsPortal Gifs Portal using Solana blochain and Anchor
- AmsterdamDAO Implementation of a DAO, NFT membership and a token using ThirdWeb