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A complex epidemiological modeling package for JavaScript.


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This repository aims to merge the EpiJS and epispot javascript and python packages into one, unified JS/TS package. It is currently in development, and will be released in the near future, at which point the current EpiJS and epispot packages will be deprecated in favor of this package.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Roadmap
  4. Usage


  • Create Custom Compartmental Models
  • Plots model predictions interactively
  • Solve models with custom time steps
  • Custom-defined compartments


epispot is currently not avaliable on npm. Install via git:

  git clone epispot
  cd epispot
  yarn && yarn build

After cloning the package, go into the directory of the project you want to use epispot in, and run:

  yarn add /path/to/epispot


  • Additional browser support
  • Built-in models
  • Built-in compartments
  • Fitting data to a model
  • Stop using MathJS in favor of TheoremJS


You can create a model in epispot via a .epi file, formatted like so:

title: SIR Model for COVID-19
author: Lorem, et al.
date: 2023-01-31
version: v1

== c
S, Susceptible, -(β * S * I)/N, I
I, Infected, (β * S * I)/N - γ * I, R
R, Recovered, γ * I, I

== p
β = 3 + (-2 / (1 + e^(-t/10)))

== i
I = 0.1*N
S = 0.9*N
R = 0

== v
N = 100
γ = 0.1

The first section is for front matter, including title, author, and date. The version must be specified. Currently v1 is the only valid version.

== c specifes the compartments section. Each line is a new compartment, in the following format:

abbreviation, name, equation, connected compartments

The equation is the right-hand side of the derivative for that compartment. For example, for the Susceptible compartment, the full equation is dS/dt=-(β * S * I)/N but the dS/dt is implied.

== p specifies parameters. Parameters can change value after each timestep. For example, in the example, β changes with each step. Paremters can also specify other parameters, constants, or compartment populations. Compartment populations should be specified with their respective abbreviations.

== i specifies the initial values of the compartments. Any constants can also be specified.

== v specifies any constants. Other constants may be specified in a constants value, but compartment populations and paremters may not.

Note that t is a reserved name for the current time and cannot and should not be used as a constant, parameter, or compartment name/abbrevation. Any common math terms like e or π are also reserved.

You can parse a .epi file with the parse function:

import { parse, model, solve, plot } from 'epispot'

let m = parse('./path/to/file')

To solve the model for 100 days with a step size of 0.01, use:

let data = solve(m, 100, 0.01)

It will return an object in the format:

    "S": [S at 0, S at 0.01, at 0.02...]
    "I": [I at 0, I at 0.01, at 0.02...]
    "R": [R at 0, R at 0.01, at 0.02...]

The step size is optional, and will default to a step size of 0.1 if left unspecified.

To plot the model, for 100 days with a step size of 0.01, use:

let plot = plot(m, 100, 0.01)

This starts an http server (which is returned so you can manipulate it) with a plotly graph at http://localhost:3000.

Models may also be created programatically, like so:

let S: model.Compartment = {
    abbr: "S",
    name: "Susceptible",
    derivative: "-(β * S * I)/N",
    connected: []
let I: model.Compartment = {
    abbr: "I",
    name: "Infected",
    derivative: "(β * S * I)/N - γ * I",
    connected: []
let R: model.Compartment = {
    abbr: "R",
    name: "Recovered",
    derivative: "γ * I",
    connected: []

S.connected = [I]
I.connected = [R]

let m: model.Model = {
    meta: {
        title: "SIR Model for COVID-19",
        author: "Lorem, et al.",
        date: "2023-01-31",
        version: "v1"
    compartments: {
        "S": S,
        "I": I,
        "R": R
    parameters: {
        "β": "3 + (-2 / (1 + e^(-t/10)))"
    initialStates: {
        "S": "0.9*N",
        "I": "0.1*N",
        "R": "0"
    constants: {
        "N": "100",
        "γ": "0.1"


A complex epidemiological modeling package for JavaScript.







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