Releases: equinor/spinedatasheetweb
Releases · equinor/spinedatasheetweb
1.9.0 (2023-11-15)
- Add assigned reviewer to comparison table as hidden property (43245cf)
- Add assigned reviewer to comparison table as hidden property (#174) (43245cf)
- Add function to get tags in a container (#192) (a439382)
- Add hardcoded dummydata to datasheet sidesheet (2a04a94)
- add icons to authors and mentions tab (#171) (3b213a8)
- Add tagType to tagData and comparison view (2bef8f6)
- Added icons to commentsidesheet (#169) (1444ff4)
- Added sub tag type and dummy data to comparison view (198488a)
- breadcrumbs (#187) (e8742f4)
- Call api when finishing container review (#189) (f01386e)
- container header (#183) (8041dad)
- container info (09ed4e6)
- container info (#193) (09ed4e6)
- draggable conversation cards (#188) (93dbe09)
- edit messages with tagging (#161) (9b173ae)
- filter tags based on picked container (#194) (32ecb01)
- Frontend for review functionality (#156) (f5cb4d5)
- Hide empty columns in comparison view (5eff020)
- Hide empty columns in comparison view (#177) (5eff020)
- Icons in comments header (#170) (bf58f71)
- improved sanitation (59e6b6c)
- main navigation bar (#178) (83e16ac)
- nested nav & draggable cards (#185) (db21535)
- overhauled conversation view & cleanup (94c4a25)
- Save and show active filters in comparison table (179f0e1)
- Save and show active filters in comparison table (#184) (179f0e1)
- tabs and scroll memory (38e80c9)
- toast messages (#155) (25fa34d)
- Update data model (#181) (4aecc3d)
- Update readme with runbook and more info (bba5a06)
- Update readme with runbook and more info (#176) (bba5a06)
Bug Fixes
- add dompurify (#163) (dfdad25)
- ag-grid icon bug (#158) (b836352)
- ag-grid watermark (#160) (31b413b)
- comment tab not rendering correctly in tag comparison (#173) (4f795ab)
- first message not displaying edited (#166) (46892c1)
- Fix loading of conversation when opening tag (#162) (efbb1c9)
- Fix setting state when updating container reviewer (#195) (f880968)
- Personphoto (#164) (3ec804f)
- Set frontend state when updating conversation state (#196) (8c04f1e)
- sidesheet does not open using button (#153) (6f2b0a9)
- Update frontend after backend changes (#159) (dd082df)
1.8.0 (2023-09-29)
- abandon & complete review button (#147) (46fa8c4)
- Add column filter and WiP custom filter (#130) (3c6f74c)
- Add more TR3111 properties to tag comparison view (6a69a55)
- Add Operating conditions to tag comparison view (ff5ae35)
- Add photo in chat (#148) (33f2202)
- Add TR3111 properties to general tabs in NORSOK and JIP33 (c974639)
- basic tagging functionality (fed4a5a)
- Conversation model (#129) (1d11f7f)
- dedicated sidesheet for properties (#150) (d3d14d0)
- filter based on icons (#144) (623c15a)
- filter tags based on comments (#143) (64d54b7)
- Make sidebar filter non-expandable (ac9946b)
- Set comment options on hover and display message deleted (#127) (b763c77)
- Show "edited" with timestamp for edited messages (#124) (b9a4bf1)
- sideSheet in tag comparison view (#149) (87a5f25)
- styling added to tagged people in conversation (#135) (57acf71)
- use backend api in tag user (#139) (3fa3c77)
- Use escape key to close sidesheet (3b554ac)
- Use escape key to close sidesheet (#142) (3b554ac)
- wordcount limit & filter tab & bugfixes (#140) (0292f82)
Bug Fixes
- edgecase bugfixes (#138) (25e2d2f)
- Enable single cell copy in ag grid tables (5e3dbd7)
- Fix enums from API (#151) (5470bf0)
- Fixed comment bubble cluster width (9c8afbd)
- incorrectly presisting input text & improved re-render control (25e2d2f)
- it is possible to send empty text / only spaces (25e2d2f)
- moving cursor back in typed text resets input (25e2d2f)
- placeholder not showing after sending message & sometimes normal text gets placeholder color (25e2d2f)
- Remove cell type from ag grid tables (dde35c9)
- Temporary fix for ag-grid view displaying 'invalid number' (9536131)
- typing @ only works at the end of the typed text (25e2d2f)
- Update enums after API change (#145) (4f9e202)
- Use Conversation from API in sidesheet (#141) (d5e1105)
- very long words overflow the chatbox (25e2d2f)
1.7.0 (2023-08-18)
- Activity sidesheet (#100) (1ffd0ab)
- Add comment model and service (#56) (2a7d42f)
- add comment sidesheet for tag (#67) (3bdda5b)
- Add name to comment (#73) (b3daa80)
- Add review feature (#75) (2acc326)
- Added column menu button and property search bar to tag comparison view (#113) (0842dd6)
- Added NORSOK instrument view, added tab system for NORSOK and JIP33 view (#82) (07b7647)
- Added TR3111 properties to Tag Comparison (a461b1c)
- Area sidesheet + structural improvements (df051ff)
- auto scroll to newest comments (57c7bb8)
- auto scroll to top of sidesheet (2f5e037)
- changelog sheet added (#95) (3ac0bfd)
- color coded and separated chat (1ca2a91)
- Comment overview & sheet button & contextual sheet tab selection (d147e83)
- Delete comments (5af95fb)
- full height tables & dialogue component (#115) (b0fd1f7)
- Implementation & Specification & Replacement sidesheets (#96) (7459afe)
- implemented edit for comments (#106) (a841424)
- improved comment View (aff2e1c)
- jsdoc & helpers refactor (1167baf)
- Media & user manuals tabs in Equipment sheet (#97) (94b5759)
- message clusters (#120) (4d3898e)
- modal review confirmation (#112) (fc823d4)
- Renamed purchaserReq and supplierOff to Instrument (5dfa8e4)
- set "last edited" on edited comments and set edit/delete button to hidden on others comments (#110) (a215ef2)
- sidesheet overhaul (82592b6)
- Upgrade fusion ag-grid module to version 30 (87ad50b)
Bug Fixes
- Add review function to tag view (#108) (f82ea12)
- Added missing ag-grid modules and added clipboard (56948dc)
- Added setContextFilter to only show SFP project in context selector (e513d29)
- collapsed tag comparison table (48a1d33)
- eslint compliance (8cbcaae)
- Fix dev endpoint (#121) (2ddf501)
- Fix issue with id being undefined (#93) (69a6165)
- fusion ts incompatibility (#92) (aa72d79)
- missing import (6ab8eb1)
- Set extra stack frame fix (#89) (e14ed0e)
- Update fusion packages (#98) (4df8084)
- Update models (#105) (41a314b)
- Upgrade react and ag grid version (#94) (7c6f0f9)
- use location in tag link (#68) (ffb5525)
- use yarn in build (#66) (9ed8437)