Yeoman for bootstrapping Angular2 application. (frontend, ready for gh-pages)
Install yo and this generator globally
npm install -g yo generator-angular2
To create a project:
mkdir MyApp
cd MyApp
yo angular2
To start server, in project directory run
npm run
Generated project contain example component and tests (e2e with protractor and karma unit), to run tests
npm test
- gulp
- babel
- browserify
- angular2 (rc3)
- protractor
- eslint
- postcss
- stylelint
- jade
Please read Contributing
All contributions are more than welcome, no matter how large or small.
Clone the repository and cd
into it
git clone && cd generator-angular2
Install the project dependencies
npm install
Link the package to use the version you're working on
npm link
Run the tests to ensure no failures
npm test
Submit a pull request with your changes
Released under the MIT license: