Minimal front-end starter kit for Kirby utilizing Grunt, Stylus, Jeet, Bower. Jump-starts development without the baggage of bloated front-end frameworks. Built with an emphasis towards typographic minutia.
- Grunt for task management (e.g. concatenation and uglification of JS files, compiling and minifying Stylus to CSS, LiveReload, etc)
- Bower for package management (includes jQuery)
- Jeet for lightweight but highly customizable responsive grids
- Powerful mixins for beautiful web typography, media queries, unit conversions and fallbacks (in progress)
To easily link web fonts in your font folder
webfont('Font Family', 'File name without extension', true, 'Font weight')
// Example: webfont('Franklin Gothic', 'franklingothic', true, 'bold')
This compiles to:
@font-face {
font-family: 'Franklin Gothic';
src: url("../fonts/franklingothic.eot");
src: url("../fonts/franklingothic.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), url("../fonts/franklingothic.woff") format('woff'), url("../fonts/franklingothic.ttf") format('truetype'), url("../fonts/franklingothic.svg#Franklin Gothic") format('svg');
font-weight: 'bold';
font-style: normal;
To have flowing paragraphs with no margins where the initial pargraph is flushed, and all following paragraphs are indented by text.
// Example: .div-class
// flowing-paragraph(0.5em)
To adjust the font-size and spacing of abbreviations and acronyms. More legible alternative to small caps for paragraph text. Used in conjunction with the <abbr>
abbr([font-size], [letter-spacing])
// Example: .div-class
// abbr(16px,0.2em)
For light type on dark backgrounds, you can antialiase your type simply by using:
// Example: .div-class
// font-smoothing()
More in progress.
The grid system uses on Jeet. Rather than using something like .col-4
seen in other css grid frameworks, you can pass any ratio or fraction or both to create a completely custom grid.
If you want something that takes up a quarter of the space of its parent container:
To customize the gutter:
col(1/4, gutter: .5)
Offsetting is made trivial as well. For example: col(1/4, offset: 1/4)
would create a column the quater of the size of its container and push it to the right a quarter.
If you need a grid without gutters, use spans instead.
and uncycle
are pretty awesome in their own right as well. Want to make a gallery but don't want to specify a row every 4 pictures? col(1/4, cycle: 4)
- done. Want to change it up when you get down to mobile? Maybe just show 2 images per row? uncycle your 4-item cycle then... col(1/2, uncycle: 4, cycle: 2)
- done.
For more features, please refer to the documentation at
Edit mode assigns a light gray, semi-transparent, background to every element on the page. It's a little trick picked up over the years that makes visualizing the structure of your site trivial.
- Automatic PHP server launch
- Built-in Image optimization
- SVG minification with automatic PNG fallbacks
- Modernizr
- Typographic mixins targeting abbreviations, REM calculations, etc.
Kirby is a file-based CMS. For documentation and licensing, please see:
Grunt is a javascript task runner. For documentation, please see:
Bower is a front-end package manager. For documentation, please see
Jeet is an advanced and intuitive grid system for both Sass and Stylus. For documentation, please see
Kirby runs on PHP 5.3+, Apache, or Nginx
git clone --recursive
- It's important to add
because the core CMS is linked as a submodule
npm install
bower install
php -S localhost:9000