A small and efficient C++ JSON library (for both read/write)
mkdir build-release
cd $_
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j10
// Read the json content from the file
std::string file_content = read_file("/path/to/file.json");
// parse it
tinyjson::element root;
if(!tinyjson::parse(file_content.c_str(), &root)) {
// Or we could parse the file directly:
// tinyjson::parse_file("/path/to/file.json", &root);
// accessing elements
// if root was an array, we can access the elements using [] access which is `O(1)`
const auto& elem0 = root[0];
if(elem0.is_object() && elem0.contains("name")) {
std::string name;
if(elem0.as_str(&name)) {
std::cout << "first element name is: " << name << std::endl;
// we can shorten the code a bit:
std::string name;
// lets build the JSON,
// our end goal is to have this:
// [
// {
// "name": "tinyjson",
// "author": "Eran Ifrah"
// }
// ]
tinyjson::element arr;
.add_property("name", "tinyjson")
.add_property("author", "Eran Ifrah");
// Format it to string
// You can write to file as well using
// std::ofstream instead of stringstream
std::stringstream ss;
tinyjson::to_string(arr, ss);
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;