github-actions(deps): bump actions/cache
from 2.1.6
to 2.1.7
(#166 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump ergebnis/composer-normalize
from 2.15.0
to 2.16.0
(#168 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump vimeo/psalm
from 4.13.0
to 4.13.1
(#169 ), by @dependabot [bot]
github-actions(deps): bump shivammathur/setup-php
from 2.15.0
to 2.16.0
(#170 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump ergebnis/php-cs-fixer-config
from 3.2.1
to 3.3.0
(#171 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump vimeo/psalm
from 4.13.1
to 4.14.0
(#173 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps): bump symfony/yaml
from 5.3.6
to 5.4.0
(#172 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump ergebnis/composer-normalize
from 2.16.0
to 2.17.0
(#174 ), by @dependabot [bot]
Fix: Description (#175 ), by @localheinz
composer(deps-dev): bump infection/infection
from 0.25.3
to 0.25.4
(#176 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump vimeo/psalm
from 4.14.0
to 4.15.0
(#177 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump ergebnis/composer-normalize
from 2.17.0
to 2.18.0
(#178 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump ergebnis/php-cs-fixer-config
from 3.3.0
to 3.4.0
(#179 ), by @dependabot [bot]
composer(deps-dev): bump infection/infection
from 0.25.4
to 0.25.5
(#180 ), by @dependabot [bot]
Enhancement: Allow installation of symfony/yaml:^6.0.0
(#181 ), by @localheinz
You can’t perform that action at this time.